Help identify these fish?!
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Thread: Help identify these fish?!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member mjc85's Avatar

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    Help identify these fish?!

    I constantly catch these fish when cast netting for biddies and herring, one looks like a trevally and the other i'm not sure. Do these have to be returned to the water ? or can they be used for bait ?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Black-naped Ponyfish. Get heaps of em in the net. Shit for live bait because they're extremely hard to keep alive. Minced up they go alright for berley.

    Second one I'm pretty sure is a form of trumpeter. Again, get heaps of em in the net.


  3. #3

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    the second one is a stripy

  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member mjc85's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maria
    Black-naped Ponyfish. Get heaps of em in the net. Shit for live bait because they're extremely hard to keep alive. Minced up they go alright for berley.

    WE have a match =) they are spiky slimy f#%kers lol but yeh i found them rather hardy

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member mjc85's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Quote Originally Posted by chemmy
    the second one is a stripy
    I thought that but they look different

    but then i do realise fish change alot from when they are juveniles and adults so you are probably right =) do they have a size limit and can they be used for bait ? cause i used one once before and caught a nice bream but just making sure so i don't get busted if i have them

  6. #6

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    it is a trumpeter also known as a four lined grunter pelates quadrilineatus

  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member moondancer's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Caught these in my cast net from time to time also. But isn there a minimum size on them? Have a ruler on the boat that says minimum for 'stripeys' is 23???

  8. #8

    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    I think the second one is a stripey. 23 cm is the min and from that size on they are beautiful to eat. Very sweet and nice texture. I have caught quite a lot of them in the Gladstone area.


  9. #9

    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    I think they are different to the Stripey or Spanish flag.. Trumpeter rings a bell

  10. #10
    Ausfish Gold Member Jono_SS's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Ben is right with the first one, "black naped ponyfish", scientific name Leiognathus decorus. It's in Grants Guide to Fishes and on the following web page...note: the link mjc85 put up is closely related, but not quite the same species (ie it's a different ponyfish).

    chemmy is right with the second one (including the scientific name - well done chemmy!), but it isn't the same as the stripey that has a legal size on it. in fact, it doesn't get much bigger than the one in the photo. so it's a stripey, but different to lots of other "stripies", it's a trumpeter, but different to lots of other "trumpeters" and it's a four lined grunter, but different to lots of other "grunters".

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member d-man's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    The second fish, common trumpeter is pretty good as live bait for flathead. They are a tough little fish and will stay alive for a long time if you hook them up carefully.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    Well done Jono - you a fisheries biologist or something??

  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member Jono_SS's Avatar

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!


    I really like pony fish! I did a project on them when I was at uni.

    Any chance of a putting a fish in the FBE up your way? or should I spend the weekend catching waves instead??

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Help identify these fish?!

    definitely waves. I have a bit if glassing to do sat morning but will try and get a tunny in the arvo. Bit of swell around I think. Have fun

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