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Thread: Cutting out underfloor fuel tank

  1. #16
    Ausfish Addict Noelm's Avatar

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    Re: Cutting out underfloor fuel tank

    Filling the tank with water is NOT the safe way to do it, unfortunately seen it twice now where it seemed like a great idea…..ventilation, cleaning and great care is the ONLY way, adding inert gas if possible is a bonus if that’s a possible option.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Cutting out underfloor fuel tank

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Filling the tank with water is NOT the safe way to do it, unfortunately seen it twice now where it seemed like a great idea…..ventilation, cleaning and great care is the ONLY way, adding inert gas if possible is a bonus if that’s a possible option.
    Water does a good job of displacing the fumes. You can then purge it with an inert gas, but actually there is no safe way if it's had fuel in it. That's why I suggested getting the boat builder to do it. There is no guarantee you will get rid of all the vapours and oxygen by adding an inert gas. Also he would have to source and buy the gas and use guesswork to apply it.

    Have a look at welding forums and guides and they will state this.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Cutting out underfloor fuel tank

    Quote Originally Posted by billfisher View Post
    Water does a good job of displacing the fumes. You can then purge it with an inert gas, but actually there is no safe way if it's had fuel in it. That's why I suggested getting the boat builder to do it. There is no guarantee you will get rid of all the vapours and oxygen by adding an inert gas. Also he would have to source and buy the gas and use guesswork to apply it.

    Have a look at welding forums and guides and they will state this.
    Agree, get the boat builder to do it. My comments are around the fact that the fuel may have leaked into the cavity the tank sits in, a totally different kettle of fish as I have no qualms about filling the tank with water. As mentioned my mate who was a professional boat builder and his son was the ally and SS expert and as they had supplies of argon on hand they could do it but have seen other professionals hurt by those stray fumes.
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