Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout
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Thread: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict Volvo's Avatar

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    Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    As asked ??

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member

    Seaforth QLD & Cairns
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    Re: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    I got right into the Nomad range, I use Madmacs and Minnows for trolling, and Madscad and Riptides for casting over the flats for Trout. I'm getting back into the Diawa range of lures as I found the Nomad stuff just doesn't last. As soon as there's tooth marks on the paint it then peals off really quickly, and the split rings and hooks rust a lot quicker than other lures I'm using (I use a container of fresh water on the boat to put any used lures into, and they all get a wash, dried and sprayed before going back into the roll).

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    Quote Originally Posted by Corry View Post
    I got right into the Nomad range, I use Madmacs and Minnows for trolling, and Madscad and Riptides for casting over the flats for Trout. I'm getting back into the Diawa range of lures as I found the Nomad stuff just doesn't last. As soon as there's tooth marks on the paint it then peals off really quickly, and the split rings and hooks rust a lot quicker than other lures I'm using (I use a container of fresh water on the boat to put any used lures into, and they all get a wash, dried and sprayed before going back into the roll).
    Yer your paying Nomad prices for cheap chinese made some of there lures are on temu now.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar

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    Re: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    Hard to beat Halco Lasers x deep 190mm for the price. Funny I know a guy who has a shack up Shoalwater area and he rerckons more of them washed up on the beach than every other type combined.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar

    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland
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    Re: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    Quote Originally Posted by Qlder1 View Post
    Hard to beat Halco Lasers x deep 190mm for the price. Funny I know a guy who has a shack up Shoalwater area and he rerckons more of them washed up on the beach than every other type combined.
    Thats because they work and are cheap ..

    I have also watched pro guys skull drag in spanish using a spoon and corded line...Thay are not really fussy except sometimes when the water is very clear or at slack tide..

    Some folks swear by X raps but these days I just use halco laser pro 190 mainly in pilchard or gold and black which you can get for under $20...12-15 inchs of 69 lb wire is essential if you want to take that lure home...and i use 50 lb mono mainline to try and beat the sharks...

    I mostly use the 2m models as I troll reef edges and flats around bommies and occasionlly hook up a trout which doesnt fight much on the surface with that heavier gear..

    and of course always throw out a pillie or livie on a floating line first thing when you stop for a bottom fish...with just a boat limit of 2 spanish these days you may not even need to troll for them..

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Best Trolling Lures for Macks n Trout

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Thats because they work and are cheap ..

    I have also watched pro guys skull drag in spanish using a spoon and corded line...Thay are not really fussy except sometimes when the water is very clear or at slack tide..

    Some folks swear by X raps but these days I just use halco laser pro 190 mainly in pilchard or gold and black which you can get for under $20...12-15 inchs of 69 lb wire is essential if you want to take that lure home...and i use 50 lb mono mainline to try and beat the sharks...

    I mostly use the 2m models as I troll reef edges and flats around bommies and occasionlly hook up a trout which doesnt fight much on the surface with that heavier gear..

    and of course always throw out a pillie or livie on a floating line first thing when you stop for a bottom fish...with just a boat limit of 2 spanish these days you may not even need to troll for them..
    The floating pillie works especially with an occasional quick wind of a metre or so every now and then. Was chasing reefies yesterday and struggled for a feed, caught heaps of Spaniards all around 60 cm, never caught them that small before. I suspect that a few people were calling them Spotties and taking them home.
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