Plastisol or something similar
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Thread: Plastisol or something similar

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict

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    Plastisol or something similar

    Has anyone bought any plastsol to made soft plastics and if so..... were......, ive googled it and the link comes up no stock in Austraila, ive been watching a guy on youtube and its very interesting to see how they make them and pour them in two parts.

    I was thinking of making a mould and having a go with some big paddle tail plastics like 8 to 10 inches.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member

    Seaforth QLD & Cairns
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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Hmmm, haven't seen that yet, is it more to have the satisfaction of making it yourself, there wouldn't be much savings in it would there? Or too many moulds/patterns that haven't already been done.
    I fully understand there would be satisfaction in making your own and catching fish with it.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Now that ive seen how there made theres a lot you can do, but paying $55 for a mega bass does not appeal to me at all.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    I have just started trying to make large soft plastics, 1 off ribbonfish/wolf herring for spanos. I get tired of paying $12 for a bait that is a throw away whether you catch a fish on it or not. After getting the run around from a victorian supplier, I found this guy in Kuranda of all places Sent 5litres of hard plastisol, no issues .

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar


    Obviously I overheated the plastisol but it turned out usable. I have since done a couple more and am getting better. I think it works out about $6 per lure for the plastisol, but the head and hardware is reusable, plus no need to keep em in the freezer haha.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Luv that wolf herring and yes if they miss the hook the baits shreded,thats a good mould you have and there a great likeness.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member Qlder1's Avatar

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    ribbonmold1.jpgribbonhooks1.jpgAttachment 127509Attachment 127510
    yeah its def. a sacrificial lure haha . I am only learning as I go /can't seem to eliminate bubbles. Not that worried, I was never intending to do it commercially, they are good enough for me. The platinum cure silicone is great, seems to be able to handle pouring lead heads so far. Getting paint to stick to plastisol is also a problem, oddly I tried lots of things but silver gal spray is the best I could find so far.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Quote Originally Posted by Qlder1 View Post
    ribbonmold1.jpgribbonhooks1.jpgAttachment 127509Attachment 127510
    yeah its def. a sacrificial lure haha . I am only learning as I go /can't seem to eliminate bubbles. Not that worried, I was never intending to do it commercially, they are good enough for me. The platinum cure silicone is great, seems to be able to handle pouring lead heads so far. Getting paint to stick to plastisol is also a problem, oddly I tried lots of things but silver gal spray is the best I could find so far.
    Leave it unpainted I reckon, those bubbles look great.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
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  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    I think thats just the mould not being heated for the bubbles to float out ive seen the aluminium moulds being put on a hot plate to help things flow and ive seen a guy use a little air compressor and he statrts it up and holds the jug on it to bring the bubbles to the top,other than that you can make a vaccum chamber and suck the air out with a vaccum cleaner may be.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Quote Originally Posted by Qlder1 View Post
    ribbonmold1.jpgribbonhooks1.jpgAttachment 127509Attachment 127510
    yeah its def. a sacrificial lure haha . I am only learning as I go /can't seem to eliminate bubbles. Not that worried, I was never intending to do it commercially, they are good enough for me. The platinum cure silicone is great, seems to be able to handle pouring lead heads so far. Getting paint to stick to plastisol is also a problem, oddly I tried lots of things but silver gal spray is the best I could find so far.
    From what ive seen so far if you have a 2 piece mould you put a thin layer of clear plastisol on it first you can put gilding on it and rub it in and you can paint it then they put it togeher and pour the plastisol ive been watching the Worlds worst fisherman on youtube if you look for Ai4 and Ai5 in his list you will see how they do things thats what has gotten me interested and you can clear dip them a bit hard with a long herring but what you can do is endless as you have found out.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Quote Originally Posted by Qlder1 View Post
    I have just started trying to make large soft plastics, 1 off ribbonfish/wolf herring for spanos. I get tired of paying $12 for a bait that is a throw away whether you catch a fish on it or not. After getting the run around from a victorian supplier, I found this guy in Kuranda of all places Sent 5litres of hard plastisol, no issues .
    Yep i got 2lt of medium 242 and 2lt of 142 super soft im thinking this guy make plastics for the local dam up there and ive got a 6inch mould now ill make a plasteraparis mould and try it out with a 3.5 inch shadolicious and work my way up.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Quote Originally Posted by chris69 View Post
    Yep i got 2lt of medium 242 and 2lt of 142 super soft im thinking this guy make plastics for the local dam up there and ive got a 6inch mould now ill make a plasteraparis mould and try it out with a 3.5 inch shadolicious and work my way up.
    If you can get hold of Dental Plaster it makes a better, harder mould. Trouble is generally only comes in big bags.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
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  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Plastisol or something similar

    Well started playing with this plastisol and theres a little bit to learn you must get the temp right 350f and never move the mold once poured and yes the air bubbles so ill make a vacuum chamber,ive got some super soft and medium but i think ill get the hard saltwater the medium is very soft i think and the super soft i had troubles getting to set hence you must cook it right to set.

    So now im just waiting for some micro powder to turn up and i continue experimenting and learning.

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