Camp boss
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Thread: Camp boss

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Camp boss

    Wow just had a look at the web site it’s like a store for the elite 4x4 club $49 for a Jaffel iron $32 for a pair of thongs with the logo on it .

    No wonder they can fit there 4x4 out, wreck them and get new ones for there next series.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict NAGG's Avatar

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    Re: Camp boss

    Looks like another Drifta ...... overpriced branded gear

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member

    Seaforth QLD & Cairns
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    Re: Camp boss

    It's amazing what people will pay for branding, when it would all come from the same mob in China.

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