Poor bugga goes overboard...
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Thread: Poor bugga goes overboard...

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar

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    Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Queensland news: Empty boat found in search for fisherman missing on Queensland's Sunshine Coast (9news.com.au)

    Dunno if you fella's are like me....but whenever something like this happens my mind goes a million miles an hours to try and figure out scenarios that may have caused the incident..and then after going over all the possible situations that may have happened realise that unless they find the poor bloke we will likely never really know...

    Apparently the boat was in gear and still motoring along...anyone know how fast it was travelling...?..I know sometimes I idle back but keep putting along in gear if I need to take a leak over the side or off the back swim platform while travelling ...during those leaks I have often wondered what may happen if I stumbled overboard...but fortunately with a bigger boat these days I dont do the solo reef trips I used to so hopefully my missus would motor back around and pick me up...

    Its looking grim for this poor fella though..

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member

    Kalbarri, WA
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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Brings to mind the Exmouth local who made a regular practice of chasing blue marlin, solo, off a 16ft boat. He did this a lot, caught a lot of fish, never had a life jacket on , etc. Then, one day, he dropped a gopro after releasing a fish, made a grab for it, and over he went, boat idling away downwind, couldn't keep up.Around 10 mile offshore, IIRC. Somenone saw the boat happily wandering along, realised what had happened, and, as luck would have it, the plotter was recording track. So they had the presence of mind to backuptrack upwind. He had been in the water for six hours, and it was getting late in the afternoon when he was found.
    Even at idle, going downwind, I doubt if Ian Thorpe could catch something with a larger motor if it had a small head start. I would never go onto the swim platform if I was solo with the motor in gear. I'd rather piss on the deck and wash it down than take any chances solo.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    hopefully my missus would motor back around and pick me up...
    One would hope hey... hope she's in a good mood

    I do a lot of offshore fishing on my own, I've ended up getting me one of those belt style life jackets and am in the process of looking at the personal locating beacons. Our son does a lot of abseiling and rock climbing on his own, so we're going to do a 2 for deal for them, I will then clip it to the life jacket. I'm really cautious when on my own, if I'm moving at any speed above idle I clip on the dead mans lead, it does annoy me when I forget about it and walk away from the console when idling and pull it out, but I treat it like a test that it still works.
    If I'm stepping out on the rear deck for a leak, I wouldn't be able to leave it in gear. Going back to when the Ausfish M&G's were big at Agnes/1770, I remember one of the blokes there had about a 7m Haines, and he was too short to be able to get 'it' over the side, so used to just do it either on the floor and wash it through the scuppers or into the live bait tank and flush it over, can't remember which one, but I've always thought that in those rougher seas when it's 'dangerous' to stand on the rear step, it would be another option.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Corry View Post
    One would hope hey... hope she's in a good mood

    I do a lot of offshore fishing on my own, I've ended up getting me one of those belt style life jackets and am in the process of looking at the personal locating beacons. Our son does a lot of abseiling and rock climbing on his own, so we're going to do a 2 for deal for them, I will then clip it to the life jacket. I'm really cautious when on my own, if I'm moving at any speed above idle I clip on the dead mans lead, it does annoy me when I forget about it and walk away from the console when idling and pull it out, but I treat it like a test that it still works.
    If I'm stepping out on the rear deck for a leak, I wouldn't be able to leave it in gear. Going back to when the Ausfish M&G's were big at Agnes/1770, I remember one of the blokes there had about a 7m Haines, and he was too short to be able to get 'it' over the side, so used to just do it either on the floor and wash it through the scuppers or into the live bait tank and flush it over, can't remember which one, but I've always thought that in those rougher seas when it's 'dangerous' to stand on the rear step, it would be another option.
    You would think he would have just peed in a bucket .

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Queensland news: Empty boat found in search for fisherman missing on Queensland's Sunshine Coast (9news.com.au)

    Dunno if you fella's are like me....but whenever something like this happens my mind goes a million miles an hours to try and figure out scenarios that may have caused the incident..and then after going over all the possible situations that may have happened realise that unless they find the poor bloke we will likely never really know...

    Apparently the boat was in gear and still motoring along...anyone know how fast it was travelling...?..I know sometimes I idle back but keep putting along in gear if I need to take a leak over the side or off the back swim platform while travelling ...during those leaks I have often wondered what may happen if I stumbled overboard...but fortunately with a bigger boat these days I dont do the solo reef trips I used to so hopefully my missus would motor back around and pick me up...

    Its looking grim for this poor fella though..
    The sea takes people in a lot of different ways being by himself I don’t think we will ever find out ,we’re they found the boat a lot ships pass that way and push big bow waves that can catch boaties of guard ,it’s not a nice place to go over a lot of tide runs past there .

    And these days I just pee in a cut down 3 lt milk bottle just leave the handle on and wash it out over the side too easy.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member Barry Ehsman's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    I use a P.E.T. ##### extension tube, a piece of 50mm pvc pipe cut to whatever length you want & hang it over the side, also stops the gunwale getting piss all over it..

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    50mm??? now that's just bragging...

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Not much hope unfortunately. Mathew was pretty experienced by the look of it. Was there any storms that afternoon? I guess engine failure is not a cause, and it's unlikely his family know if any fishing lines are missing indicative of a fish or shark pulling him over. That was a worry back before rods, getting tangled up in 90lb hand line.

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  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Sorry to hear this story and condolences to his friends and family

    Someone on here said I was misguided by having a plb on every life jacket, but a chance at rescue is better then no chance at all
    and yes I understand the jacket has to be worn to be of use.

    I feel less safe in inland waters then offshore, snags, fast flowing water, caught on open dams in wind events

    very few people would be capable of climbing back into a boat as it’s not as easy as it sounds

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post

    very few people would be capable of climbing back into a boat as it’s not as easy as it sounds
    I had an episode a good 25 years ago where my 14foot half cabin decided to float away while pumping yabbies near the bedrooms. the tide had started to come in and the float for offshore anchoring was still on and it floated up and onto the anchor. It was only about 20 m away before we noticed it so in I jumped at midnight with my mate standing on the exposed bank, took me well over a km to catch it then I couldn't get up onto the boat, took me about 5 mins or more of resting to be able to pull myself on board while still drifting quite quickly out towards the Jumpinpin bar. By the time I got back to my mate the tide had come in and was well above his ankles, he was starting to panic, needless to say the first thing I did when we got back was buy a step, not much bigger than a handle and installed it, surprised I hadn't done it earlier as it was even useful getting on board form the shoreline.

    The sea is not very merciful and I consider myself lucky that night all because I was a bit lazy and hadn't taken the anchor float off as I had become too dependent on it even down the Pin. Didn't think about the big bull sharks there until my mate asked if I wasn't scared of them.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
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  11. #11
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Probably less sharks around back then, certainly less crocs. I thought it would be easy enough climbing up the outboard.

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  12. #12
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by docaster View Post
    Probably less sharks around back then, certainly less crocs. I thought it would be easy enough climbing up the outboard.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    On dry land anything is possible, in the water and buggered not so easy so I can't imagine what he went through even though I've been through my own event.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
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  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict NAGG's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    Sorry to hear this story and condolences to his friends and family

    Someone on here said I was misguided by having a plb on every life jacket, but a chance at rescue is better then no chance at all
    and yes I understand the jacket has to be worn to be of use.

    I feel less safe in inland waters then offshore, snags, fast flowing water, caught on open dams in wind events

    very few people would be capable of climbing back into a boat as it’s not as easy as it sounds
    For that reason - every boat I have owned has had a ladder at the back ........ even then as I've got older it's become harder to climb into the boat .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Ehsman View Post
    I use a P.E.T. ##### extension tube, a piece of 50mm pvc pipe cut to whatever length you want & hang it over the side, also stops the gunwale getting piss all over it..
    Do you wear it all day.?.Like one of those old fella gourd guys from New guinea..you must be a real hit with the ladies..

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    For that reason - every boat I have owned has had a ladder at the back ........ even then as I've got older it's become harder to climb into the boat .

    I used to be able to pull myself into the splashwell of most boats I have owned..sometimes with difficulty though...these days in my mid fifties I would certainly struggle and even the ladder is a pain if its rough and the boat is pitching and rolling..I think I'll add another rung to my ladder and modify the hand grip as well to make it easier..a short length of rope attached also might assist to pull it down from in the water if needed....

    As far as the peeing goes, last thursday it blew up to about 20 knots out at the reef (closest wind station had gusts to 28 knots0 so i just stepped one foot through the door to the swim deck but only managed to pee all down my leg... There just has to be a better way...

    And a bit embarrassing to admit but when I have fished in fast currents and rough seas before at night out on the edge of the shelf I have lashed a rope around my waist if my missus was asleep...I used to do the same for my young fella overnight as he is a sleepwalker...

  15. #15
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Poor bugga goes overboard...

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Do you wear it all day.?.Like one of those old fella gourd guys from New guinea..you must be a real hit with the ladies..

    I used to be able to pull myself into the splashwell of most boats I have owned..sometimes with difficulty though...these days in my mid fifties I would certainly struggle and even the ladder is a pain if its rough and the boat is pitching and rolling..I think I'll add another rung to my ladder and modify the hand grip as well to make it easier..a short length of rope attached also might assist to pull it down from in the water if needed....

    As far as the peeing goes, last thursday it blew up to about 20 knots out at the reef (closest wind station had gusts to 28 knots0 so i just stepped one foot through the door to the swim deck but only managed to pee all down my leg... There just has to be a better way...

    And a bit embarrassing to admit but when I have fished in fast currents and rough seas before at night out on the edge of the shelf I have lashed a rope around my waist if my missus was asleep...I used to do the same for my young fella overnight as he is a sleepwalker...
    I know exactly what you mean.
    My missus always struggles to get her leg up and over and not long after I bought the Allison (now gone, feels strange) but she told me that one rail from the top of the transom to the duckboard wasn't enough so I had to put another one in near the motor side, never used to need it but in recent years I did and was grateful for it, will always have 2 now.

    Peeing in a bucket is as bad as it gets for me as I'm tall enough to sling it over the side. My brother carries a bottle with a wide neck in his tackle box and uses that as he can't pee easily on a moving boat.
    I knew a fella that had to wear one of those colostrum bags or whatever they're called and I always remember him saying that he got a lot of pleasure when talking to someone who gave him the shits and he could feel one sliding out into the bag. There's always a silver lining to things.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

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