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Thread: What is with the fascination with Bangers?

  1. #16
    Ausfish Addict NAGG's Avatar

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    Re: What is with the fascination with Bangers?

    Quote Originally Posted by nautilus View Post
    Easy. The challenge.

    There are many categories of fishermen, some who catch simply to eat (bottom bouncing with bait), some are aficionados for whom the craft and gear is equally important (fly-fishermen) and some who are in it to find the limits of their gear, skill and strength (GT hunters). I prefer a decent steak over a piece of fish any day, so the eating part for me is neither here nor there. I don’t like killing fish and would love to see much more catch and release and far more strict bag limits, but I love fishing and the fact that GT’s release well eases my conscience. Despite what others in the thread have said, I don’t think they are that easy to catch and it is rare that you will get a GT without really trying for one. I have caught a lot of bangers (50+) and it is very rare that I find another fish that comes close.

    5kg bangers fight hard and you are constantly wondering whether you will get busted off on the coral?, did I tie my knots right?, will the hooks pull?, will the rod snap? (did happen once, though I accept there was probably a defect in the blank or a nick out of it somewhere) a 40kg banger which I have also caught was next level. I was wondering how it will ever be possible to land this monster!

    I have hooked, but never caught, a marlin and it was great while fighting it, but still, nothing comes close to a banger. The only concern was weather the hooks would pull (they did). Also, trolling around for hours on end is what I do when I need a rest from catching bangers!

    If I really wanted to stir the pot, I would ask why anyone chases barra? I have caught plenty of them too with my biggest at 82cm and I thought I had hooked weed until it was next to the boat. One or two jumps if you are lucky, then just pulling dead weight to the boat. Boring.
    Great reply

    I've got to say - as someone who has had a crack at a heap of techniques & species - Casting lures for GTs was a special challenge ...... Everything from the gear required , the lures , rigging & most of all the strength & stamina - I can tell you hooking a decent "banger" with a crook knee sorted me out real quick . That was the end of my short lived banger journey.
    If I harp back on all those fishing styles - probably fly fishing for trout at the opposite end of the scale presented as much as a challenge without the physicality.
    & hey - I still enjoy my barra fishing

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: What is with the fascination with Bangers?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    If I harp back on all those fishing styles - probably fly fishing for trout at the opposite end of the scale presented as much as a challenge without the physicality.

    Each to their own and everyone loves different ways of fishing, but for me, I lived in Cabramurra for 5 years, full access to the Snowy's, I tried the trout thing as there was no other options, was a lot like having a tamper without the payoff, couldn't wait to get away from there.
    Give me the north, a reef, and a good salt water estuary any day.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: What is with the fascination with Bangers?

    Thanks Volvo, where is wreck? I would love to check it out.

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