Storing lot's of Lures
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Thread: Storing lot's of Lures

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member

    Seaforth QLD & Cairns
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    Storing lot's of Lures

    What does everyone use to store a heap of lures when out?
    I've been through the backpack bags, the hard plastic tackle boxes and am now looking at a way to carry lures around, something like a lure roll. I figured before I go buying too much I'll throw it out there to see what others use.

    I'm currently store vibes in a vibe case, this goes alright, and I've got a roll for the jigs, so that's working ok, but lost as to a good way to carry a number of stick baits and hard body lures.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict tunaticer's Avatar

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    Re: Storing lot's of Lures

    After decades of dealing with this devil I have learned to cart less....just the ones you know you prefer to use for that particular adventure, and go minimal on what you cart.
    If I am wading a section I will likely have two small poppers, one shallow diver and 1 deep diver hardbody lures, two 80mm paddle tails and some 65mm soft prawns, leader, scissors, lip grip or landing net and shoulder bag.
    There is not much I can not catch with that selection.

    I use a 2500 size waterproof tackle tray with all partitions removed.

    The other thing i use is a waterproof phone soft case for my phone and car keys. This has a lanyard i hang around my neck and under my shirt.

    Wraps are a real pain to use when wading.

    If your trip is on the boat take everything.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Storing lot's of Lures

    Ive tried nearly everything. I think roll up lure roll is the best way to go.

    Mesh backing so unroll them and rinse off when home. Once dry roll em up.
    Multiple lure rolls can be crammed into a bag etc and you fit twice as many lures then a plastic tray

    Soft to carry around so they fit in side pocket, hatch etc and no banging around. Plus doesn't stove your big toe in when you drop it off a seat.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Storing lot's of Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by Corry View Post
    What does everyone use to store a heap of lures when out?
    I've been through the backpack bags, the hard plastic tackle boxes and am now looking at a way to carry lures around, something like a lure roll. I figured before I go buying too much I'll throw it out there to see what others use.

    I'm currently store vibes in a vibe case, this goes alright, and I've got a roll for the jigs, so that's working ok, but lost as to a good way to carry a number of stick baits and hard body lures.
    If you use treble covers you can use anything but your stick baits might have single hooks so hard case lure box remembers it’s only a hassle if have way more gear that you can use in 3 lifetimes like most of us.

    Last time I went to a Barra dam I just used a carry bag plastics in end packet terminal gear other end and all the lures in there boxes in the main carry area.

    And I use a lot of sistema containers for lure storage too for my unused stock of my faverates.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict Volvo's Avatar

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    Re: Storing lot's of Lures

    Individual ziplock bags for the bigger ones

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