Noosa this weekend
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Thread: Noosa this weekend

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    Noosa this weekend

    Gday guys, just a quick note to say I will be fishing out of noosa all weekend if anyone else is looking to head out up there. I will be dropping crab pots out the front in about 30m on Friday afternoon and then trying to jig some bait for an early start Saturday.
    Saturdays plan is to fish deep water east of the Hards and then camp the night at the top end of the Hards, fish early Sunday then back to noosa. If the weather holds, it will hopefully be a wide day trip again on Monday.
    Give me a call “one piece” if your out there on vhf 21


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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Hi Lee

    Are you chasing sandies or spanner crabs out there?

    Enjoy the fishing.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Yeh sandies mate

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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Gday guys, quick report from today. Left noosa at 6.00am. Pretty good bar crossing with a bit of swell running. Hit the Hards in pretty average conditions with wind and rain. Plan was to hit the deep water but weather did f allow. Fished until 2.00pm and called time. Ended up with good bag of pearlies and parrot and mixed fish. Going again tomorrow, planning on staying the night.

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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Any_Weather View Post
    Gday guys, quick report from today. Left noosa at 6.00am. Pretty good bar crossing with a bit of swell running. Hit the Hards in pretty average conditions with wind and rain. Plan was to hit the deep water but weather did f allow. Fished until 2.00pm and called time. Ended up with good bag of pearlies and parrot and mixed fish. Going again tomorrow, planning on staying the night.

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    Your boat just carves through the bar
    Attached Images

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    Your boat just carves through the bar
    How good a photo is that

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict Dignity's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn 66 View Post
    How good a photo is that
    Just a still off a video clip.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Any luck with the crabs?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    Hi Sam, yeh that photo makes it look way more dramatic than it was, that wave wasn’t even breaking.

    Bremic, yeh mate, good feed of crabs, both sandies and big 3 spots. Found plenty of small 3 spots and no sandies in 15, 20 and 25m. Plenty of quality crabs in 30m between the bar and north reef direction.

    Quick report for this interested, went again yesterday (Sunday) morning at 9.00am after cleaning fish from the day before. Bar was good again, good run out to the Hards. Plenty of fish but current was racing. Went straight to 170m east of the Hards, for a quality pearly, big snapper and 2 barcod. As I said, current was a problem.
    Back to the Hards for 4.00pm, parrot, snapper Moses Pearce were plentiful. Wind died out and by 8.00pm was a glass out. Fished until 10.00pm and then bed. Up at 5.00am to top up the bag and left out there at 7.00am for a quick trip home. Clean up, feed of crabs and then a couple of beers.
    I’ll try and put a couple of photos up.

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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  10. #10
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    Re: Noosa this weekend

    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  11. #11
    Ausfish Gold Member Any_Weather's Avatar

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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

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