Lake Awoonga reports
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Thread: Lake Awoonga reports

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member Giveitacrack's Avatar

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    Lake Awoonga reports

    Hello All,

    My mate and I are heading to Awoonga early next week for the first time and are after any tips/ latest reports etc. I have fished Monduran a few times but have decided to travel that little bit further up the road. I have put it back a week due to last weekend’s comp there so any current information would be great.


    I am not in danger, I am the danger - Walter White

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar

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    Re: Lake Awoonga reports

    Quote Originally Posted by Giveitacrack View Post
    Hello All,

    My mate and I are heading to Awoonga early next week for the first time and are after any tips/ latest reports etc. I have fished Monduran a few times but have decided to travel that little bit further up the road. I have put it back a week due to last weekend’s comp there so any current information would be great.


    G’Day Mate
    So , how did you go.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member Giveitacrack's Avatar

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    Re: Lake Awoonga reports

    Gday Shawn66,

    Approx 15hrs on the water across 3 sessions early morn, late arvo using the usual’s - Jackal Squirrels,Lucky Craft pointers, Westin shadteez, Zerek Fishtraps, Zman paddlerz etc and nothing except a dozen or so catfish. No Barra hook-ups at all.Targeted the windward flats and points and the deep timber. There were only 2-3 other cars / trailers at the ramp each time so really no one on the dam.

    I am not in danger, I am the danger - Walter White

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