Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917 plan
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Thread: Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917 plan

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917 plan

    From what I can gather the new May 2017 Walkers plan for Toondah does not include a boat ramp.
    Extra capacity at Williams Street might be provided to make up for it.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Triple's Avatar

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    Re: Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917

    Down the bottom half of the faqs -

    The only thing this developmemt had going for it in my eyes was a new multi lane ramp and trailer parking to take the pressure off raby bay ramp..
    Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917

    I think the last plan revision cut out the boat ramp, trailer parking and the foreshore park. Can't see a ramp anywhere.
    The original development was too large for the PDA to fit in 3,600 units plus all the public facilities.
    The 3,600 units still managed to be fitted OK though.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Looks like the public boat ramp at Toondah will be closed under Walkers May 2917

    Member for Cleveland, Mark Robinson should probably let us know what is really going on with the ramp and trailer parking at Toondah in the new plan.
    A relocated clean public ramp at Toondah would have been a real asset. Last time I used the current ramp at Toondah I filled my outboard with mud. That is probably why it is "under utilised". LOL
    Now I choose to queue at William Street ramp with the masses instead.

    Perhaps Mark should also tell us if Maritime Safety Queensland have given a green light to the proposed Marina entrance opening into Fison Channel in front of the 650 tonne car ferries.
    It doesn't seem safe to me and I have been using Fison Channel for over 40 years. I bet the most of the boat owners who would be using the marina would have little experience and even less common sense.
    I suppose we will have to wait for a fatality to be sure though.

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