Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky
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Thread: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar

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    Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

    Was a few weeks back now but still urks me !

    In the wee hours of a Sunday morning, some low life filth entered my front yard and stole a 126 litre, orange "Tropical" esky.
    I would pick it easily due to several key markings.
    If you know of anyone that has recently "Acquired" one of these distinctly large eskies and who are of dubious nature, I might be keen to hear from you.
    There will be an appropriate reward if I am to get my esky back.
    The police have been informed of the theft.

    The Esky was stolen from the Wynnum West area.

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  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

    mate no wonder they stole it ...they love seafood ...

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar

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    Re: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

    Yep Astro, it holds plenty !!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

    Gee, must of worked it out, not something you would put under your wing and leg it down the road.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar

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    Re: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky

    I'm thinking it would be a 2 man job .......... cut their F#@%ing hands off !!!!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Stolen from front yard...126 litre orange "tropical" esky


    Was it in your boat, the one that's parked on the footpath/grass verge alongside the road?

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