Owl Finch
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Thread: Owl Finch

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict Volvo's Avatar

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    Owl Finch

    Three of these famillies perched a nest outside my Grandsons Bedroom and have been trying fer yonks to capture at least one of them hopefully perched on a branch besides thier nest , but not to be. So last time visiting i decided to just sit myself a wee bit further afield and wait??.
    This one Mother or Father?? decided to land on the ground below the tree the nest resided in and suss me out.. Luckilly i was ready for this and quickly snapped of several shots.. Didt fill tyhe frame with them being so small but beggers cant be choosers as the saying goes ey??..
    Beutifull little Birds they are too..
    Grandson has bood company that is for sure..

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict tunaticer's Avatar

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    Re: Owl Finch

    Top photo there mate.
    That is what I know as a double bar finch.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Owl Finch

    yep...used to breed them...mostly known as double bar ...what camera did you use ?

  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict Volvo's Avatar

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    Re: Owl Finch

    Thankz for that fellas. Daughter told me they were Owl Finches , now iknow their real name . Small beutifull little birds they are too.
    Camera used was a 7D with 100-400L Lens. Still not enough reach for these little fellas ey and had to do some heavy cropping but will persist as do want some nice crisp shots where it comes to them..

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