Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013 - Page 3
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Thread: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

  1. #31
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    The SEQ RBW is 2 weeks away. I'd like confirmation of who is in and who is out so I can firm up arrangements.

    Agenda for the weekend:

    Runs over 2 days, 27 & 28th July, at Mount Cotton. You are welcome to attend one or both days. Approximate running times are 9-5 each day.

    Tables will be set up so you can bring your own gear and work at your own pace. You can also come along with nothing and simply watch if that suits you better. If you need to know where to buy components etc. let me know.

    Cost is $15/day. BBQ lunch & soft drink provided, BYOG.

    Please bring along any rods you have made yourself (good/bad/ugly doesn't matter)

    We are planning some informal demos on:
    - setting up & doing weaves
    - applying decals
    - binding on guides
    - applying epoxy

    To tie together the demos, we are going to construct a group RBW rod. We will build this rod over the weekend, and hopefully everybody can have a go at making a part of it. We will start from scratch, work out spacings, glue up the handle, bind on guides, decorate it, and epoxy it.

    If weather is good we might do some test casting at the local park to show off the new Microwave guides.

    There will be products on display and a number of giveaways kindly donated by various individuals and companies.

    It should be a cracker of a weekend, and I'm excited about it :-)

    Please let me know whether or not you will attend.
    Also, please let me know whether you have one or more trestle tables you can bring along as we're going to need a few. Also if you have any spare rollers / rod stands.


  2. #32
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    I have an old rod building machine here that you can borrow for the weekend if wanted.
    I will need to refurbish it as it has not been used for many years but that shouldn't take me too long,providing the motor is still good on it.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Dave, at this stage unless the weather is crap Steve and I will probably only be there for the Sat, will confirm a few days out.

    No such thing as a fat alcoholic, just fat piss pots...

  4. #34
    Ausfish Bronze Member pedro473's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Well we have had another donation to our cause, Troy Dixon from Wilson has kindly donated a ZWS70MJT silver texalium blank and I have taken the liberty of putting the bottom end together using an ALPS TRI-S-22 reel seat and AXG-S Gimbal and I will supply a set of GCSUBZG Guides and tip that can be bound on over the weekend, may even put the base of a tiger wrap on it if I get time. We should think about raffling or auctioning this off and donating the proceeds to a worthy charity, what do you all think of that idea?


  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member sid_fishes's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    sounds good ....what about the black dog ride that mr ausfish is doing ....there are a few of us on here that suffer from depression

  6. #36
    Ausfish Platinum Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013


    What the hell is a black dog ride mate? Im looking forward to the weekend, always good for a laugh, at other peoples expense of course.
    Im going to bring all the crap I have laying around. I have have drums of offcuts that could be used for gaff handles or tomato stakes, trust me I have plenty stuffed in the ground holding my plants up. .


  7. #37
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Thanks Pedro and thanks to Troy from Wilson for the kind donation. Great stuff and much appreciated!

    I think the charity donation is an excellent idea. We have a great time building the rod up, the raffle or auction winner gets a nice rod, and proceeds go to a great cause. Win/win/win!

    Stu, there's a link to the Black Dog Ride in the advertising banner at the top of this forum.


  8. #38
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Another sponsor has stepped up to the mark to help make our weekend a winner. Ross van Enckevort from The Rodworks has kindly sent a box of promo gear including Mudhole caps, sunglasses, beer holders, rod socks and some Rod Guild Journals.

    Looks like none of us willl be going home empty handed.

    Thanks Ross!


  9. #39
    Ausfish Platinum Member sid_fishes's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    3 sleeps to go poeple

  10. #40
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Lets hope it doesn't rain!

    I've made up some hand wrappers we can use for demos or those who don't have a lathe or other type of stand to bring.

    Am in serious need of sleep so if I disappear during the event just listen for the snoring


    I've PM'd everybody with address details. If I missed anyone please let me know.


  11. #41
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013


    Mark and I will be there Sat until early afternoon and be back on Sun, but may be a bit late. Will bring some tables. Do you want us to bring chairs?


  12. #42
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    I've got quite a few wooden chairs here that should do the job so I think we're good thanks.

    If anyone has one of those outdoor pop up 3m x 3m gazebo sun shade things they could bring along it would be good.


  13. #43
    Ausfish Bronze Member chappie's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    I can help out with that.

  14. #44
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Smile Pictures from Day 1

    Here are some pics of Day 1.

    Mark Newcombe put the guys in touch with Ben and Darren from American Tackle:

    IMG_8406.jpg IMG_8408.jpg

    Stu shaping a camo grip:


    Douglas's ellipticals:


    Dazza looking on as Pedro weaves some magic:


    Some nice handle assemblies:


    Owen with Douglas and Ian (Sid_Fishes):


    Steve (Apollo) wrapping a guide:


    Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptians carefully wrapped their loved ones in bandages creating what we now know as mummies. Today the tradition lives on, and to prove it, here are some shots of a mummie rod:

    IMG_8428.jpg IMG_8429.jpg

    Apollo, all I can say is it wasn't me, and here is the proof:

    IMG_8427.jpg IMG_8426.jpg

    Looking forward to day 2!

  15. #45
    Ausfish Bronze Member chappie's Avatar

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    Re: Rod Building Weekend - July 27 & 28, 2013

    Steve, it is obvious I was trying to stop Stu. Isn't it?

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