SWFSA Inc. milestone
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Thread: SWFSA Inc. milestone

  1. #1

    SWFSA Inc. milestone

    With the scheduled release of fingerlings this Saturday at Billies Bay on Lake Wivenhoe, the Somerset and Wivenhoe Fish Stocking Association Inc. will pass the 6 million mark in fingerlings released since they began in 1988. The total investment has been $1,161.404.00.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict Mike Delisser's Avatar

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    Re: SWFSA Inc. milestone

    What a superb effort by all the SWFSA members, congrats.

  3. #3

    Re: SWFSA Inc. milestone

    That is a small investment ( and very worth while ) when compared to the economic input into the area and the hours of enjoyment had by rec fishos and their families. Well done.

    cheers Phill
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