Don't you hate it when the tide goes out
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Thread: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mr__Bean's Avatar

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    Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

    Picture tasken 10 minutes ago.

    2 guys in a tinny stuck in the mud in Boggy Creek, the sidewater near the Brisbane River entrance.

    Don't you hate it when the water goes out from under you.

    Looks like they have been there a while and with about 1/2 hour to bottom of tide I reckon they have a good 2 hours wait yet before there is enough water under them.

    - Darren

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member mitchdemeanor's Avatar

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    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

    i'm trying not to laugh because it's probably going to happen to me one day
    Confucius says.........."Before man become master fisherman, man must become master baiter".

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

    Im laughing so hard right now. Only because i've been there before and when you're there, there isn't much else you can do.

    'Amateur Fisherman, Expert Storyteller'

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Noiseworks's Avatar

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    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out


  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member mouse71's Avatar

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    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

    I know exactly how they feel, happened to myself, with the Mrs and kids, earlier this year in the Hinchinbrook channel, thought I could make it into one of my favourite creeks, on a dropping tide, ended up getting stuck for about two and a half hours, spewing, and I bet the fish were just going off, I know the old girl was
    Barra, Boars, Bundy & bare arsed

  6. #6

    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member Far side's Avatar

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    Re: Don't you hate it when the tide goes out

    Yep had the houseboat holiday been there done that

    At least you are level
    "light gear big fish big fun"

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