Gota love the colours
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Thread: Gota love the colours

  1. #1

    Gota love the colours

    Can sit and look at the colours in these fish for ages

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Take it they are the drought brakers Mark. Cant complain about those esp when you could be like me and not get one at all. Looks like the forcast rain isnt going to happen so it might be a little while longer for me. Did get out on sun for a spin for choppers but only managed one of those. In a bit of a slump atm. Not good.

  3. #3

    Re: Gota love the colours

    Mate, I dropped another at the rocks this arv...if that makes you feel better...only a little tacker of about 5kg but a jew none the less...and on a the blue pillie!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Makes me feel a little better but not much. Should have the new heads and plastics in the morn. They had Evil minnow and i got them to pick something else for me as well to have a go at. I hope i can crack one soon, its starting to get expensive.
    I am not doing any better with the tailor. Went out today and got nothing and the guy beside me got two nice ones. Looks like i inherited the slump now.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member rabbi's Avatar

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Sorry Scott,
    They are not biting on rubbers now. Give you a fair price for your new rubbers if you like?

    Email me @ and I will put you on to a good fish if you want, But you will have to take the oath first

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Hi Steve.
    Na Steve i will add them to the rest of the stash of things for jewies i havent used or caught a thing on. I will send you an email though, lips sealed.

  7. #7

    Re: Gota love the colours

    Good work Steve I picked up the last 6 of those hard bodies this morning...cant wait

  8. #8
    Ausfish Gold Member

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Jesus now what do i need to buy.

  9. #9

    Re: Gota love the colours

    Nothin everything you need just playin

  10. #10
    Ausfish Gold Member rabbi's Avatar

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    Re: Gota love the colours

    Amazing how easily my bad habits rub off on everyone else:grin:
    Stirrer S.C

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