Boaties And Landbased Database - Page 6
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Thread: Boaties And Landbased Database

  1. #76
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    Re: Boaties And Landbased Database

    Anybody use this thread anymore?
    Josh land based, Gold Coast, happy to be deckie for anyone.
    Keen every weekend. 0411 541 497

  2. #77
    Ausfish Silver Member marvin's Avatar

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    Re: Boaties And Landbased Database

    Kev, 43years old, older at times... I am based in Bundaberg and have a Pride president 6.2mt hard top, with a 200etec, I fish offshore from Hervey Bay/Break Sea Spit chasing marlin and reef fish north to Fitzroy Reef off 1770. I often am chasing a crewy at short notice, for either a day or overnighter trip, if you are happy to pitch in for fuel, that's great, or if you can't and I ring you to come, then that's fine too, as I can't go offshore unless I have one or two with me to make it worth while and to pull in the anchor for, if anyone is in my area and wants to go on the call list... message me or call me with your number and we will head out for a fish and make some great memories hopefully... cheers Kev. Ph 0408 848 564.

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