Fishin Dogs
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Thread: Fishin Dogs

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Fishin Dogs

    I thought this would be a good idea for a thread.

    I'm sure lots of us have a four-legged friend that just loves to get out on the boat during fishing trips.

    So lets post some shots of them enjoying their time on the water.

    This little girl isn't mine, she belongs to my brother Chris. Her name is Mya, and she flips out when you ask her if she wants to go fishing. We dont take her during the hotter months though because there is no shade on the poly, cooler months, well we wrap her up in her little jacket to keep her warm.

    She is well trained to search out the fish for us, and she gets a little bit for dinner when we bring home a feed.


    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Good Thread Slyman. This is a pic of my dog, Madge. We have had her since she was a pup and really get's the S**ts if we leave her behind. She will sit on the bow all day only jumps off if we r having a swim.
    Cheer's Pete.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Hehe nice thread Slyman!! below is a couple of my pup out fishing with me She loves comming out in the boat with us but is a bit of a pain when lure fishing as she likes to bark when you cast


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Leighton's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    If I dont take my bloke fishing he keeps the wife awake paceing the house
    Problem is any fish that hit the deck are gone within seconds

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    This is Harry.

    Sadly, he went to doggy heaven a month ago.
    Poor little bugger had Diabetes, Cushing's Disease and possibly Cancer when he died.

    Great little dog, loved the boat.

    He used to wait at my feet when I filleted fish, waiting to get the wings. Loved 'em. Best dog I've ever had.

    Rest in Peace Hazza.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Quote Originally Posted by ffejsmada View Post
    This is Harry.

    Sadly, he went to doggy heaven a month ago.
    Poor little bugger had Diabetes, Cushing's Disease and possibly Cancer when he died.

    Great little dog, loved the boat.

    He used to wait at my feet when I filleted fish, waiting to get the wings. Loved 'em. Best dog I've ever had.

    Rest in Peace Hazza.
    Geez mate, thats no good Been there before too, so I know what thats like.

    Thanks for sharing your pics.

    Rest In Peace little fella

    Speaking of doggy heaven, you just reminded me on that Gary Larson Far Side cartoon about doggy heaven where he had all the dogs chasing after a delivery van made of spam

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Leighton's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Easy on the heart strings Jeff, you have got my wife all glassy eyed at the thought of our loosing our bloke.
    Cant be replaced but are you getting another pooch?

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Harry was a great looking dog Jeff.. Sorry for you lose mate Its hard loosing a best mate, I have been there also.
    Your post on Harry has inspired me to work with my pup more, get her trained to not bark every time I cast and she will come out a lot more often!! I like that you feed him the wings, might use that like a reward system for Lucy Lou


  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    sorry to hear about Harry Jeff, very nice dog, I am sure he is enjoying it in doggy heaven. Its hard loosing a something you love..


  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Quote Originally Posted by Leighton View Post
    Easy on the heart strings Jeff, you have got my wife all glassy eyed at the thought of our loosing our bloke.
    Cant be replaced but are you getting another pooch?
    No mate, not for a long time. Harry was a special animal, he was unique.
    We're not ready, wont be for a while.

    Look after your dogs boys, they are a very special part of the family, you don't realise how much of an effect they have on your life until they are gone.

    Brandon, give him the wings mate, they love it. He's a ripper looking little dog!
    I like him!

    Thanks fellas.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Hi Dog Lovers

    I don't have one at present after my last one departed after 16 years. lab * kelpie crossed with pure redsetter. smart like you wouldn't believe and even shared his goodohs with my no 2 daughter who grew up with him. Loved any thing with 2 or 4 wheels and no wheels on water too.

    As an aside if you get a chance, grab the book Marley and Me by John Grogan ref Funniest thing you and your family will ever read with the movie about to hit the screen.

    Was talking to a neighbour the other day who has a little white Buishon Frei sp that loves fish. Found it the other week with about an inch of an 18 inch jinkie trace still hanging out of its mouth after the bugger downed the baited hook. He decided not to try and pull it out (smart move I reckon) and its gone now and the dogs still running around and eating the bait as it comes out of the cast net.
    Breaths a bit catty tho!

    What could go wrong.......................

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Thought this was worth a Bump, come on Guys n Girls show us your Fishin' Dogs.

    Cheer's Pete

  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Cheers pete, I thought I'd get quite a few more pics than I have already. C'mon folks! Share the pooch pics aye!

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  14. #14

    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Heres The Mutt She loves the boat but was a bit unsure of herself when this little bloke came on board,she loves bait, especially live mullet so I have to be quick whilst cast netting or all my efforts get eaten before my eyes.

    Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
    pee on it and walk away.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member rooboy98's Avatar

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    Re: Fishin Dogs

    Heres a photo of my blue dog "Alvey". He was quite happy to spend all day in the boat and he had this uncanny knack of being able to get his head into most photos.

    Once, when I wasn't paying enough attention, he managed to eat a large piece of squid that I had thawing out on top of the bait was the only time he ever got sick in the boat, the poor fella.


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