Fishing themed wedding cake
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Thread: Fishing themed wedding cake

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Fishing themed wedding cake

    I suppose this would be the forum to make this post, I figure I'd rather post it here than have it moved here.

    Recently my sister steph and her partner darren got married. Congratulations to you both!

    As fishing was something that members of both families enjoyed, that was the theme decided for the cake.

    My old man has been in the baking profession for many years, and although he doesn't make wedding cakes for a living currently, he's still a dab hand at baking and decorating one.

    The bottom layer is a chocolate mud cake, the top layer is a more tradtional fruitcake.

    As well as baking both layers, he did all the icing and the placement of the decorations. It went down a treat on the day too.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict FNQCairns's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    How good is that! really well done, does the blushing bride fish?

    cheers fnq

  3. #3
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    Steph certainly does fish, but not as often as we'd like her to!

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  4. #4
    Ausfish Gold Member therapy's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    I love it! As someone who has just popped the question and is now begining to watch the missus to be make plans, I'll have to show her that for sure. Just a question; what size leader and braid and are the barbs on the hook crushed?!?!

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Benno1's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    thats fantastic...i love it!!!

    Mrs Benno1

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member slyman's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    Quote Originally Posted by therapy View Post
    Just a question; what size leader and braid and are the barbs on the hook crushed?!?!
    The leader was about 10-12lb and the hooks had the barb crushed for ease of release on the wedding night...

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    Love it

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    No fair! He was foul hooked!

    Nice cake, and getting married myself next year, something to think about!

    Well done!

  9. #9

    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    Amanda and i got married in april this year,Our cake was very similar to your sisters,Our honeymoon at Hervey Bay was unforgetable.

    cheers tim

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    Nice thread!

    We just got past our 35th year and instead of coral we both figured we be happy to get probation.

    Good on you guys and all the best for the future, all you have to do to make it work is agree to disagree.

    What could go wrong.......................

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    under the thumb already - looks like she has the upper hand too soon!!!!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member rooboy98's Avatar

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    Re: Fishing themed wedding cake

    A couple of shots of our wedding cake. The cake was made by a friend who did a great job of transporting it up from Melbourne to Brisbane on the plane that morning in one piece. The writing down the bottom reads "Congratulations on Hooking Up".


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