Sand Pumping Jetty - Blogs - Ausfish fishing Australia, Australian Angling Forums


Sand Pumping Jetty

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
When to the sand pumping jetty Gold Coast chasing taylor when i first got met up with a mate of mine who tells me taylor have just come on the bight its no around 4.30pm high tide suns about to set and the taylor were on from the first cast and for the next 2 hours as quick as you got a bait to hit the water it was on had probly 15 to 20 hook ups in a row probly landed 30 fish not a lot of size in them but still got 6 keepers 27cm to 40 nice feed to come great way to spend a fiday evening.:Danybody who reads this tonight i suspect they will come on early tommorow morning for those keen enough to get up before the sun.:-?
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  1. aussipomm's Avatar
    that should be 37 not 27