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Boaties And Landbased Database

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[QUOTE=liltuffy;1299904]Geez it's hard to find good blokes to go with. I have an old reliable V-Sea and a current model hilux 4WD. Love anything from bay, surf, estuary and offshore.

Two weeks ago a day after the new moon (secret best time), with two days notice I rang 10 "mates and associates" looking for a crew to head to DI for a day and a half offshore fishing. Couldn't find a taker, I supply basically everything including camping gear and it costs about $150-200 for the trip - cheap I reckon for everything supplied. This time of year equals snapper, pearlies, moses, hussar, maori's etc etc - all good quality table reef fish.

Anyways I live at Forest Lake and struggle to find mates to go for a fish anywhere round here, most of my mates now seem flat out getting out of their own way.

I'm 46, love my offshore fishing and generally pretty keen to head out when family and work commitment allow but boy it's hard getting someone local and keen to go. Most of them want to be picked from up from all over, hooks and rigs supplied, the fish cleaned and have zero responsibility (too used to charter trips I suppose) guess that means send me a PM and we can have a chat/meet and see if we get on. BTW I have no particular penchant for bait or plastics - I fish both.

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  1. QIKVASS's Avatar
    Hi craig l sold my boat 3 weeks ago and now lm having withdraws lm easy going love fishing offshore and i have all my own gear and a boat lic have no problem paying my share and when the days fishing is over helping with the washing and cleaning boat gear fish. and l also live in forestlake so mate if you need a fishing mate more then happy to be thanks
