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  1. Sand Pumping Jetty

    When to the sand pumping jetty Gold Coast chasing taylor when i first got met up with a mate of mine who tells me taylor have just come on the bight its no around 4.30pm high tide suns about to set and the taylor were on from the first cast and for the next 2 hours as quick as you got a bait to hit the water it was on had probly 15 to 20 hook ups in a row probly landed 30 fish not a lot of size in them but still got 6 keepers 27cm to 40 nice feed to come great way to spend a fiday evening.:Danybody ...
  2. 'Stressed out' Barra & Gladstone - tell me what you think is going on.

    [QUOTE=Bros;1328722]Called "Hand up Hand out"[/QUOTOnly in your opinion,others see it for what it is and that's a shortcut out of the industry at our cost ....Matt
  3. Forum upgrade

    Upgrade forum to 4.1.3

    installed hacks, including new classifieds and tapatalk

    Couple of bugs to sort out yet.
  4. Kevlacat 6.2 Tournament- Towing vehicle

    I have owned a 1995 Kevlacat 6.2 tournament for a few years now and am at a point in my life where I want to change my vehicle but feel restricted by the size/weight of my boat.
    It has been towed it with a VDJ79R series Landcruiser in the past and for the last year I have been towing it with a VDJ76R. I have since moved into the city in the last year and my car does't fit in the garage and sits out in the weather for the weeks that I work away not to mention the fact that a jacked up v8 cruiser ...
  5. Government pledges $60 million

    Fishers, travellers to benefit as Government pledges $60m for 'sprucing up' Australia's backyard in Budget
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