View Full Version : After the M&G Agnes/1770

02-12-2006, 10:39 PM
Have finally made it back to NSW after our annual Agnes/1770 M&G.

I think all the goss on the M&G has been posted, so all I can do is pin up my usual mackerel pics, although there are a couple of other species that made it into the Baileys.

The crew that stayed at my place were fantastic, you couldn’t have asked for a nicer bunch of fellas. The Ausfish team at Sunlover was made up of >>> The Deckie – Paul, Theoldlegend – John, Lucky Phill – Phill, Blaze – Rob (although no one ever calls him by his real name), Landlubber – Michael, & myself.

Unfortunately my camera decided not to work for the first couple of weeks so I missed out on capturing the fun and games, but Blaze, the champion he is, came to the rescue and fixed it for me.

First pic is aboard one of Newby's boats - Carnelpya, sorry if I've spelled it wrong Dave.

Newby very generously lent us his 6.1 Allison. During that week the weather was a bit too rough for my VC, so having the bigger boat there was fantastic.

We can't thank you enough Newby.

02-12-2006, 10:42 PM
Wasn't the biggest trout, but heaps better than no trout.

02-12-2006, 10:50 PM
This broke the cobia drought I'de been having, it was the second in about two weeks. Was also the fish I wanted to test out on my home built rod.

02-12-2006, 10:55 PM
One of only three or four good days out of eight weeks, definately worth the wait.

Taken looking back at Bustard Head from outer rock.

02-12-2006, 10:57 PM
One of six nice mackerel for the morning.

02-12-2006, 11:00 PM
...and a couple more

02-12-2006, 11:02 PM
the mornings catch & home by 11.

02-12-2006, 11:05 PM
Could have water skied home.

02-12-2006, 11:10 PM
Unfortunately Andy didn't come good with the carton of green slime he was going to give me to prevent the posting of nissan being towed away.

I really hope he is going to be a good sport about this.... well he doesn't really have a choice :)

02-12-2006, 11:15 PM
Same species but different day, unfortunately only two fish on the morning of that day. Would have landed a few more but for a few rusty hooks.... only have myself to blame.

Photo taken back at the inlet not far from the boat ramp...magic place.

02-12-2006, 11:19 PM
View from the deck, almost the spot where Paul's 'Deckton' lives.

02-12-2006, 11:24 PM
The Sunlover crew. Sorry about the photo quality, but in this case it was the photographer not the camera.

From Left to Right

Landlubber - Michael, The Deckie - Paul, LuckyPhill - Phill, Theoldlegend - John, myself & Blaze.

03-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Some great pics there Roz, and some very nice macs too! Congrats on getting the cobe on the home built rod, that would have been a real buzz for you. 1770 is a place thats on my to do list and looking at pics like those it just moves it higher up the list.
Ooooo Nissan owners should pay bribes too :-X Thats gotta hurt ;D Oh well you get that. Thanks for sharing Roz ;)

Cheers and beers

03-12-2006, 10:30 PM
Looks like those Spanish came on the chew after the M & G, Roz.

Thanks for putting up with the Team Sunlover crew and look forward to next year.

That Nissan looks like it was " parked " in the same spot I saw a Toyota " parked ".... earlier this year ::) ::) ::) :-X

Also looks like the weather came good too !!!

Cheers Phill

04-12-2006, 08:54 AM
looks like a beaut of a trip ans some awsome fish there mate

cheers dave

04-12-2006, 09:51 AM
good one roz

the mighty spaniards always run hard,not like those nissans hey :-X

merry christmas

04-12-2006, 01:03 PM
Get any morays tho?? ::)

Nice fish ... might buy you some kill rust and a stone for :) this year. :-X :'(
Missed ya on the way down. :-?

Hope you're well.
Herby :-*

04-12-2006, 01:29 PM
Get any morays tho?? #::)

Nice fish ... might buy you some kill rust and a stone for #:) #this year. #:-X :'(
Missed ya on the way down. #:-?

Hope you're well.
Herby #:-*


I really really tried sooooooo hard to get one of those morays.

It must take a very special person to catch one on the troll the way you did.

So I can only hope that one day I can emulate the great 'Moray Man'.

As for rusty hooks, and running out of bait, I don't think I will ever change, except for one thing. Tony has some really solid gar in the freezer at his shop at the moment, so I pre rigged 16 or so which made life a lot easier.

Take care EC


04-12-2006, 03:40 PM
Im off to 1770 early may 07 for 10 days fishing. Noticed the view from where you stayed and it is very appealing.If it was a holiday rental, any chance of giving me some details so i can make enquirey with agent.

04-12-2006, 09:44 PM
good one roz

# # the mighty spaniards always run hard,not like those nissans hey :-X

merry christmas

Scotty how true!!!

Although I did have an 'issue' with mine earlier in the year, but very minor compared to Andy's nissan, the harmonic balancer came off the crank shaft which is basically terminal.

I won't put the boot in too much as the poor bugga may be up for a new motor & you wouldn't wish that on anybody... sadly it's the chance you take when you've got a nissan. ;D

BTW how big is the mack in your avatar.

04-12-2006, 10:02 PM
Im off to 1770 early may 07 for 10 days fishing. Noticed the view from where you stayed and it is very appealing.If it was a holiday rental, any chance of giving me some details so i can make enquirey with agent.
Rudolph #

Hi Rudolph,

That's my house, and I do holiday rent it, also give 'mates rates' to ausfishos.

PM me if you are seriously interested.

cheers roz

05-12-2006, 05:07 AM

Looks like the Mackeral waited until after the M&G to fire lol.

Visited there a few times but yet to fish it.
Keep promising to come down and meet Tony so must get there oneday soon.

Great report.


05-12-2006, 08:01 AM
Hi Roz,

Thats a great feed of spaniards.Will have to try and get up on a meet and greet at mackeral time.
We are headed up to 1770 in may for 10 days and hope to do some close in reef fishing.Presume the mackeral will be gone by then.
The views looked great from the house you stayed at.Was this a holiday rental? If so would you mind giving me the agents details as we would like to enquire about it


05-12-2006, 01:07 PM

CHECK YOU MESSAGES (INBOX). I've pm'd you regarding the house, I don't mind renting it to ausfishos at mates rates.

Also May is an excellent time for the mackerel up there, they usually go a bit quiet around August/September, in close anyway.

You only have to go a bit wider to pick them up.

I only have a smallish runnabout that's why I can't travel too wide, so I make the best of what I have and get myself up to outer rock for a mackeral fix.


08-12-2006, 08:43 AM
Well Roz it looks as though you have had to return to the real world. :'(

Although there wasn't a lot of fish to be had due to the weather,it certainly gave people like myself and a few others to do a bit of exploring around the area rather than just sitting idle.

In some ways the weather was a good thing,Ive been going up there for 3 years I think now, and this year was probably the first time I really had a good look around,normally you would just see the boat ramp at 1770 and that was about all.

The trip to Awoonga was good,never been there before,never seen a lake before with a 1.5m swell. :D

As for being looked after,well nothing has changed,great food all the time,
mmmm sticky date pudding and it even tastes good after several beers and at 1am in the morning,just ask Mooks.

Good to meet a few of the PBA boys,these guys weren't to concerned with the weather conditions,they fished the good and bad days and were rewarded accordingly.

Our plans to stay at Fitzroy for the night were put to bed late in the arvo after a small (expensive) incident,I wont go there I think enough has been said regarding the incident.

Another thing that happened on this trip,which was not funny at the time but certainly funny afterwards (never seen Roz so close to tears),Roz has some resident kookaburras that come down to feed which is nice..........unless you leave soft plastics out on the railings of the deck,those bloody kookaburra's will take them as they look so much like food.

And of course this is what's happened,bloody kookaburra has grabbed this soft plastic and headed to of course the highest bloody tree it could find!!!
What the hell do we do? Dont want it to swallow this thing as it has got some large trebles in it,luckily it starts smacking this soft plastic against the tree to kill it and the trebles get caught in the bark.

So a handful of gravel is sent in the direction of kookie,off he flies,out comes Roz with the baitcaster with just a lump of lead on the end,lines her self up,fires it up over the branch attaches rope to the end of the line,winds it in,flick the rope across the lure,pull the rope,down comes lure.

Another job out of the way........Time for a beer.

Thanks to Roz and Tony again for accomadating me AGAIN!!!

There's heaps Ive missed here Im sure,the memory has faded a bit since then,but looking forward to the next one.

