View Full Version : Swim bladder problems

03-05-2002, 05:03 AM
On my recent trip offshore from Noosa I had some real problems in getting undersize parrot to go back down.
I thought I was doing the right thing in puncturing their swim bladder but it realy didn't seem to make much difference with a number just floating off into the distance.
I didn't have any problem with undersize squire, red emporer, cod etc - just parrot.
The parrot blow that big thing out their mouth and I was puncturing that too.
Can anyone give me their hints for returning fish to the deep - especially parrot. Seems a shame to waste fish at any time and I would prefer 100% of fish returned to survive.
PS we were in 170 foot of water so they were pretty bloated after coming up.

03-05-2002, 04:47 PM
Depends on where you are puncturing them. ?

Anyway. the old way seems out and there is a train of thought that the area to make a hole is a couple of fingers behind the Pectoral fin. ie;- the one nearest the gills on the side of the fish.

Can't remember where that came from or who, but it has worked for me in the past. ??? ::)

03-05-2002, 10:23 PM
Doubt very much you will get much joy with parrot as about the only thing not ta come out of their mouthbone when they reach the surface is their ringgear ey.
If ya do pass it on as most mine float away on the surface also.

04-05-2002, 11:58 AM
I am currently doing some research on tailor ris and the possible increased size limit. It appears dpi are worried about the mortality rate if a tailor is released..wonder if they thought about this with deep water species. ??? It hasn't seem to bother the fish in NSW as they have always had at least an inch over the QLD limit mmm kinder makes ya wonder eh

05-05-2002, 10:59 PM
There are a few tings to know, this isn't conjecture, it's fact.
Firstly the swim bladder expands so much that it pushes and squashes evering thing. So that thing that comes out of the fishes mouth is it's stomach, and the thing out the bum is intestine. To vent the swim bladder you have to do it by sticking a hollow needle into the side. The swim bladder expansion actually fills the stomach cavity and stops the heart. Which stops circulation. The longer the heart is stopped the more likely the fish is to cark it.
I'd have a chat to fisheries about the fishes you catch, to get info on the right place to stick them.