View Full Version : Photos of fun days

01-11-2008, 12:47 PM
I've been experimenting with how to get a slide show happening on one page, so here's a few happy snaps from my photo collection to see how this has turned out. I tried another series on the test board of some nice Barra caught in Darwin if anyone wants to look at them.

The sizes of the original images are a bit all over the shop, a lot of work getting them matched up.!!


01-11-2008, 01:44 PM
Nice work Brian.

Now explain how ?????


01-11-2008, 02:02 PM
Well I suppose, because you asked so nicely Phil:P;D;D

It's a combination of a freeware product called unfreez found here http://www.whitsoftdev.com/unfreez/ and a photo hosting site such as Photobucket.
What you have to do is create your animated gif by the following steps.

Create a folder where you save your selected JPEGS which will eventually appear as one of the frames, but when you save into that folder, save as a gif file. You need to save your JPEG as a single Gif file. I use Infranview to change from JPEG to GIF
Once you have enough images, and try keep them similar size or you will get the problem I have, open unfreez that you downloaded. Unfreez appears as a little window that you simply drag your new GIF files into the unfreez window/panel. Once you have all the images dragged into unfreez, make sure you have ticked loop and make the number in the box around 300 frames. This determines the speed or rotation of the images.
Save the file in the same folder as your gif images, then post your new animated gif to photobucket
The rest is easy, manage attachment, but choose the IMG CODE on your photbucket page and copy the entire code across to Ausfish page.I prefer displaying photos like this as apposed to scrolling down to see them, I hope others do too.

All the best!


01-11-2008, 02:16 PM
It's pretty easy really.



01-11-2008, 02:28 PM
Well that didn't take long for you to do Poodroo:o:o:o;D;D

I guess my "secret" isn't going to be very "secret" very long.... Phil has the instructions.... Might see some more soon I expect!;)

Poodroo, slow your frames down to around 250, just my opinion, seems a little fast.
