Queensland Government
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

29 October 2012
Barra off limits

Fishers are reminded that barramundi will be off limits in Queensland east coast waters from noon 1 November 2013 until noon 1 February 2014.

Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol district officer Coby Walker said the closure was in place to protect barramundi stock during their spawning season when they are most vulnerable.

“The closed season allows stocks to replenish to ensure there are healthy fish populations for current and future generations of Queensland fishers,” he said.

“A barramundi closure also currently applies for the Gulf of Carpentaria until 1 February 2014.”

Mr Walker said barramundi fishing is still permitted in some lakes and dams across the State.

“Fishers can hook a barra during the closed season by fishing at a Stocked Impoundment Permit Scheme (SIPS) dam,” he said.

“Barramundi can still be taken from:
  • Burdekin Falls Dam
  • Eungella Dam
  • Kinchant Dam
  • Peter Faust Dam
  • Teemburra Dam
  • Tinaroo Falls Dam
  • Callide Dam
  • Fairbairn Dam
  • Theresa Creek Dam
  • Lake Gregory
  • Lake Monduran
  • Lenthalls Dam
  • Wuruma Dam.
“Size and possession limits still apply to barra taken from these waterways. The minimum size limit is 58cm and the possession limit is one.”

For more information about fishing in Queensland and to purchase a SIPS permit visit www.fisheries.qld.gov.au or call 13 25 23.

Follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook and Twitter (@FisheriesQld).

Media: Jodana Anglesey 3087 8601