VMR Victoria Point has ordered a new $300,000 primary rescue boat for delivery in Feb / March 2013. With the generousity of donations, fundraisers such as the Boaties Market and QLD Govt funding the money to buy this boat is in the bank so to speak. Recent night searches have highlighted the true value of FRIR in these searches. The new vessel will be equiped with a FLIR costing at least $10,000. On Saturday 20th October VMR Victoria Point is holding a Trivia night at the Vic Pt State School hall to help buy a FLIR. The school hall is big and capable of holding over 200 people at tables. Get a table of 10 mates together. A Karaoke system has also been hired to add to the fun. Food and drinks will be available. Numerous local business'es have donated prizes to be awarded and raffled. Entry is $10 and only by ticket purchased at Bendigo Bank Victoria Point. See VMR Vic Pt website www.vmr.org.au for all the information and phone number for Bendigo Bank. Thank you for your support.