View Full Version : Squid at night

05-06-2002, 09:27 AM
Heard heaps of people say you shine a light into the water at night and squid come up to it, in my experience it doesn't seem to work, There is definitely squid there as i have caught them during the day. Any comments welcome!

05-06-2002, 11:59 AM
Have to agree with you Sean.

I've been flicking Squid jigs for hours off Wellington Point jetty at night and not caught a single squid.
I've tried slow retrieve, fast retrieve, let it sink, don't let it sink, jig it up and down etc etc etc..........

Squid jigs are expensive to sit in the bottom of the tackle box huh?

Maybe we're both doing something wrong.

05-06-2002, 03:27 PM
When I lived at thornlands and the cleveland jetty was :-[ I used to go squid fishing on a very regular basis for food only. I found working in the shallows (sometimes I would have to wait for the tide) under one of the jetties lights the best spot. Also a night with a moon and a bit of westerly. Once my eyes become accustomed to the night I could actually see the squid just of the back of the light. I improved my catches by using chicen pellets lowered into the water inside a can with holes in it and also a car headlamp. the wires were attached to the headlamp a coke can put over the terminals then filled with resin, when the resin is hard enought screw an eye hook into and attach a rope. I had a second hand car battery i used to lash to a trolley. The headlamp was actually lowered into the water. A good night around and hour and a half produced on average 22 squid. Hope this helps