View Full Version : Missing Post

21-08-2003, 12:55 PM
What happened to my post..... Ausfish Nazi at work ??
It was sort of fishing related. A lot more than "Joke of the Day". >:( Please explain !

21-08-2003, 01:36 PM

Your initial post was OK, but it started getting way off the topic of fishing with the reply posts. The image used, as well as one in a reply, was also subject to copyright. Since you were not the copyright owner the pic and the post geting off topic, I decided to remove the entire post.

All please note - if you are not the copyright owner of an image, or do not have permission from the copyright owner, you can not post the picture on this site, or any other website, or use it in any way.

As an example you may have seen these images being used by a retailer. They do not have permission to use them.


21-08-2003, 01:53 PM
Steve.. you did not ask me if I was the copyright owner nor do you ask everybody who posts on "Joke of the Day" if they are the copyright owners of the joke. The same law applies and damages would only exist if somebody would actually gain financial benefit from any alleged breach of copyright (ie if your site sold the image or joke). This is a great site... ease up a bit