View Full Version : MP backs probe into reef fishing closures

09-08-2004, 06:24 PM
Last Update: Tuesday, August 3, 2004. 7:45am (AEST)
A north Queensland federal MP has welcomed a review into the science used by the Great Barrier Marine Park Authority to establish new fishing closures on the reef.
New Environment Minister Ian Campbell is expected to present a report to Cabinet today into the process used to calculate the threats to the reef from overfishing.
The Nationals' Federal Member for Dawson, De-Anne Kelly, says the Representative Areas Program, introduced last month, appears to have been based on conceptual models.
"It seemed to me that when you looked at the hard data there was no argument to introduce a fish management plan, which is effectively what the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has done," she said.

10-08-2004, 04:08 AM
Well some should have looked at the "conceptual models" (maybe that should be misconceptual models) when there was a real opportunity to look at it and actually do something about it when the doing was possible.

"Hard data" :P what hard data ???

No point now these johny come lately politicians making a big noise about it now as like all of a sudden it has smacked them in the face that hey we misjudged things completely, so we'll just get on the other wagon.

Too late you mob you had your chance and you stuffed it but obviously you thought that saying nothing and doing nothing was a good thing to do at the time well you thought wrong.

Cheers, Kerry.

10-08-2004, 04:59 AM
Well said Kerry. They missed the mark and now with an election looming they are trying to claw back some support. Too little too late. De-Anne Kelly was one of the biggest offenders. She wrote a letter to Dr Kemp, when lobbying on behalf of the commercial sector, telling him to basically ignore the noise being created by rec fishers because ONLY 3% OF HER ELECTORATE ARE INVOLVED IN RECREATIONAL FISHING.

Suddenly our 3% now looks more like 33% and she is fighting for her political life. Too late Ms Kelly....way too late.


The Fishing Party (Qld)

10-08-2004, 07:23 AM
AND how about One Nation!
Some of us phoned and emailed our One Nation Representatives (Senator Len Harris & Senator Rosa Lee Long) before the Green zone legislation went before the Senate to gain their support for the Rec fishers and neither of them spoke against the Legislation. Their Silence was Deafening.
AND....NOW they are both very Nervous.


cheers, Baldy.
TFP member.

10-08-2004, 07:37 AM
Fantastic little stunt by Kelly. Pass the legislation to keep Johny happy and get herself renominated. Then after its all said and done, and the legislation can't be reversed she can safely kick up a token effort against it. LOL, vote out one bum and you all you seem to do is vote in a new different bum. Pollies, can't live with'em, can't beat'em with sticks either.