View Full Version : Boat modifications Stessl 1980 cuddy 5.3m

12-10-2001, 11:14 AM
;)I was speaking with Nugget at the boat show ,and he was asking if I had been fishing.I told him I had been modifying my boat,so I thought I would share the results with you.
I added stability pods to the stern of the old girl. (sealed)They were made on the boat,about 80 litres each,fitted to each side of the stern. The motor is still in its original position on the transom,and the new pods ,with marlin board type tops.form a U shape around the motor.
The results are far better stability at rest,planes like you wouldnt believe,and we have picked up 10 Km per hour.
The motor is an old 1980 Marina,60 HP on the old scale,about 55 HP at the prop today,top speed 44 kph,up from 34 kph.

I can now run at less revs,save on fuel,dont have to trim much at all,a well as having less roll when leaning on one side of the boat. Cost $550
Also much easier access to the boat from the stern.
Iam rapped. David