View Full Version : 'tetrasodium salt solution'

31-07-2005, 06:28 PM
Thought I would pass on a great tip I got and I believe it now after doing some prelim research. Wondering if anyone knows more about this chemical?

Adding a few ml (like 5) of this solution to each cell of your lead acid battery virtually quadruples it's usable life!!!!!!!! True!!

Finally an end to sulfated battery's, dont think it is the same stuff as sold in shops to bring a battery back to life but if it is I will get some.
Before anyone says if it is that good the manufacturers would be adding it, I say think about it!! cheers nq

01-08-2005, 02:39 PM
Inox make a battery conditioner that claims to "increase battery efficiency up too 18% & give up to 2-3 times more life"
According to the MSDS the main ingredients are;
Cadmium Sulpate < 10%
"Ingredients determined not to be hazardous" 60-100%
Don't give much away does it ???

01-08-2005, 05:26 PM
Hi Owen, I have done a bit more looking and found this page #http://www.scimweb.com/reports/battery.html

I knew I have seen edta before it is in soap, film photographers use it in their dark room also I read.
Definately going to give this stuff a try now, dont know why I had not heard of it before.

Does anyone know where a person can buy darkroom supplys ???.cheers nq