View Full Version : The Queensland Fishery 2017 think tank

21-02-2017, 02:14 PM
Hi all,

Thought I would start a thread based on info that Fisheries Queensland could use or follow or they could provide to us. Similarly Sunfish.

With this in mind, I have been following what Recfishwest ( the peak body representing recreational anglers in WA ) have been up to.

Very recently they have been deploying artificial reefs and more importantly wild stocking of Snapper.

We really need to take notice of what is happening over there and how to duplicate it here.

below is a link to their facebook page, like them and follow all the good work they are doing.


or their website..


Yes, I understand WA have a rec licence, but I am unsure how Recfishwest fund their activities. What or however they are doing it, seems to be working. ;D

cheers LP

25-02-2017, 07:28 AM
Mention salt water stocking and Fisheries collapse in fits.......