View Full Version : VIC versus QLD rego

29-09-2016, 07:41 PM
Hi all,

My boat is currently being built with delivery due mid Nov. At the time of ordering I was living in Vic but have since sold my house and moved to QLD (arrived yesterday). In regards to registering the boat and trailer I am undecided whether to get it delivered unregistered and register new in QLD or register in VIC and then transfer over to QLD at the end of first year (or after a couple of weeks/months if I need to) to save a few $$ since I have been told QLD rego is quite a bit more $$ than VIC. Is this the case? Anyone know? Boat is 6.7m.

I understand legally I should be changing to QLD licence & rego asap if living here permanantly.

Legalities aside, would just be interested in what others would do? Has anyone been in this situation?

Thanks for you thoughts.

29-09-2016, 07:55 PM
If you were to go Vic reg first, then:
At the time of registration for the vessel and trailer your old Vic address would be put on the form.
Wouldn't it just be easier to get the boat builder to sort out the Qld reg for you as part of the deal ? The boat and trailer should be delivered to you ready to go with reg all sorted ? Then all the address and rego info is aligned for your own sake.
I'd be interested to know the rego price difference between the 2 states.
It would have to be ridiculous to be worth the trouble ?

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29-09-2016, 08:21 PM
Dont know the price differences between states, but pretty sure if you swap regos on the next year you will have to get a Road worthy Cert to transfer to QLD rego which may just take away all your savings on rego. So would be more hassle then what its worth.

02-10-2016, 09:36 PM
Not sure Vic builder can get registered in QLD. I'm thinking to ship it up un registered and then register up here. We have already changed over our car rego and car licence so probs best to do for marine licence and reg as well.

03-10-2016, 05:43 AM
Ring the Queensland dept of transport and ask them the question ,I can't see why you can't register it in qld as on a new trailer I don't believe you need an inspection ...Matt

03-10-2016, 06:00 AM
Queensland rego may be dearer than Vic but is it true you have to pay to use boat ramps down there?

Plastics fantastic but bait is better.