View Full Version : Pros and cons of a bait caster?

09-09-2016, 09:22 PM
Hi everyone, I'm just posting to see what the pros and cons are of a baitcaster set up, I've always been a spinning rod kinda bloke, and I was wanting to experience a bait caster, I own a kayak and would mainly be using it on the yak, so is it better to just stick with what I know, or are there advantages in using a baitcaster on a yak?

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09-09-2016, 11:36 PM
Unless you are having issues with spin tackle not being up to the job or simply really want to use a baitcaster, I would simply stick with the spin - even more so casting from a sitting position. Don't get me wrong, I love using baitcasters for some things - barra being one but for lighter lure fishing spin is a heap more versatile. Trying to cast ultra lite lures into a breeze with a baitcaster usually achieves very little apart from frustration and a black belt in macrame for the user - for anyone else in the area it can be amusing though. Don't let anyone tell you you cant be an accurate caster with spin gear - it all comes down to practice. Years ago I watched Rod Harrison at a boat show do a spin rod demo - the things one can achieve with hours of practice are amazing.

10-09-2016, 02:17 AM
Unless you are having issues with spin tackle not being up to the job or simply really want to use a baitcaster, I would simply stick with the spin - even more so casting from a sitting position. Don't get me wrong, I love using baitcasters for some things - barra being one but for lighter lure fishing spin is a heap more versatile. Trying to cast ultra lite lures into a breeze with a baitcaster usually achieves very little apart from frustration and a black belt in macrame for the user - for anyone else in the area it can be amusing though. Don't let anyone tell you you cant be an accurate caster with spin gear - it all comes down to practice. Years ago I watched Rod Harrison at a boat show do a spin rod demo - the things one can achieve with hours of practice are amazing.

I do a lot of yak fishing. Can't recall ever taking or wanting to take my bait caster set up.

10-09-2016, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys! I think I'll stick with my spin gear then, rather than spending more money on gear + learning a new style.

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10-09-2016, 09:04 PM
In my humble opinion, get yourself a bait casting set up. Even if to decide for yourself if it suits your needs.
For what it's worth, I use both and enjoy each for their intended purpose.

11-09-2016, 06:56 AM
The only thing I use spinning reels for is casting lures <40mm in size. I prefer a baitcaster for everything else. Particulalry good on the kayak, able to do little short accurate casting in to tight spaces with either for or back hand casts whilst thumbing the line for distance control is brilliant.

I experimented with an alvey on the kayak once, thinking it's ability to take full submersion would be good - talk about abysmal retrieval rate and poor casting of even medium sized lures .......

A bait caster takes a while to learn, and I would not recommend your area of learning be on a kayak which further restricts your casting, and you will need a quality reel. Whilst you can use any cheap old crap quite successfully spin fishing without noticing much difference in the casting, it makes a big difference on a baitcaster. Dont try and learn on cheap reel, it will just lead to frustration.

20-10-2016, 06:16 AM
I have had heaps of baitcasters and enjoy using them. A bit of a learning curve. I often call my fishing trips with baitcasters, casting training..........
But here is cheap Chinese one that would probably do a great job...... One for US $21 free postage.
########## webpage would not stay.

20-10-2016, 04:12 PM
haha baitcasters too many bird nest for me, i lost more line and time then fishing lol but got it to work now and then :D

+1 baitcaster u wont cut your finger with braid if u plan to sinker fish
+1 much easier to DIY maintenance than spin reel

-1 casting rod are horrible to stiff
-1 very hard to master

24-10-2016, 10:07 AM
theoretically a bait caster should offer more accuracy and remove the line twist you may find casting with spinning get all day.
I find the main advantage however to be the opportunity to reflect on life, the chance at true uninterrupted introspection to a the point of a near zen like state as you try to work loose yet another bloody backlash.

They're worth a go simply to experience another form of fishing that may well ring all your bells and tick all the boxes, personally i find spinning gear far better for throwing lures and far less problematic when the mind wonders from the task at hand.

24-10-2016, 11:27 AM
There is something wanky about using a baitcaster ......and a sense of satisfaction if you master it (I never have) .
I use both - but my preference is the BC as you have much more control particularly for fish that hit lures in structure ....... cod , barra , bass & jacks ...... a thumb can be slammed down on the spool much faster than tripping a bail arm....... hence drag control is better
BC reels are easily matched to short rods .... 5ft 6" making them ideal for a Yak . Once you have a little confidence + the liberal use of the cast control features you can learn to cast backhand or underhand which aids in keeping casts low

The only time I revert to spin is if I m fishing small lures or plastics (a few grams) ...... or casting swimbaits on a barra dam & you want long wind assisted casts (& still have braid on a spool).

These days the cast control features on the better baitcasters are pretty good making it a lot easier to learn

finally - good quality baitcasters are work of art ...... not even the best of spin reels compare alongside https://www.ichibantackle.com/images/itomonoblock100xrl_1009_1.jpghttp://jpangler.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/m/o/monoblock_speciale_main.jpghttp://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxITEhUSEhQVFhUWFxcWGRgVGRYVGBcWFhUYGBYVFR YYHSggGBolGxUXITEhJSkrLi4uFyAzODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQFy0dHx0tLS0tKy0tLS0rLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tNy0tLS0tNy0rLf/AABEIAKMBNgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQQGAgMHAQj/xABDEAABAwIDBAYHBgMIAgMAAAABAAIDBBESITEFBkFREyJhcY GRBxQyQqGxwSNSYnLR8IKS8RYzQ1OissLhc4MXJDT/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBP/EAB0RAQEBAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAABEQIDITFRMhL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4oQhAIQhAIQhAIQhAIQhAIQhAIQhAIQo9fXRQsMkz2xsGrnk 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24-10-2016, 12:01 PM
I don't think a baitcaster will come close to a spinning reel in regard to drag smoothness, stick with a good spinning reel for mine..

24-10-2016, 07:39 PM
I've used both and it's only in the last couple of years that I've found I can manage to place a lure exactly where I want with a spin reel as I could with a BC. Nagg has a legitimate argument about thumbing the spool but I now do very little work on Barra etc. But if going north again would include a couple of BCS. But on a yak you could use a BC as your trolling rig, always have one out the back. I still often take one on the tinnie as a trolLing rig.

These days spinning reels are extremely well built and versatile.

24-10-2016, 09:35 PM
I have just gone through the process and bought my first bait caster. After some tuition from a mate that has had one for a while I went out yesterday and threw around a vibe for a couple of hours with no over runs at all and no thumb used even when it landed. The new reels (apparently) have come a long way with their cast control features so I found it no problem at all casting it. In saying that, I can throw my 2500 Ci4 50% further than the BC and I would not be able to throw the 1/6 and 1/8 jig heads at all with the BC. I bought it as a trolling rig for Flathead and maybe some bigger things and for jigging vibes in the river. I bought a Quantum Smoke Speed Freak. It got some good write ups on the net. It has 11 bearings, 8:1 retrieve, ceramic drag mechanism and 25 lbs of drag (yet to be tested). The whole rig, spooled with 20 lb braid, came out at $320 so not a massive outlay. The secret to making any fishing gear last a long time is to not catch many fish. (I use a similar theory for the gym downstairs. It will last me forever!!). I just like the stopping power they can build into such a small reel so thought why not get one.....

25-10-2016, 07:13 AM
Near on 30 years ago a mate talked me into buying a baitcaster outfit - 6ft Ugly Stik with a pistol grip butt, a very light & whippy rod (no idea of weight rating) and I lashed out and got myself a Shimano Magnumlite Speedmaster BSM2200, a state of the art low profile reel with all the bells & whistles that reels of today have got.

After numerous attempts to perfect the technique of casting without creating a bloody great mess, I gave up and the outfit was relegated to the back of the shed. Fast forward 15 years and work commitments took me to Darwin where I was introduced to baitcasters once more and this time I was determined to learn how to use one.

For chasing barra & jacks, they stand alone, but I must say that you just can't beat a nice light spin outfit for sheer pleasure when fishing skinny water for bass, bream etc.In the kayak I mainly use a 2-4 kg 5'4" Samaki Zing with a Stradic 2500FJ and I can just about place a sub 4g lure in any spot I target - something that I couldn't possibly do with a baitcaster.

25-10-2016, 01:07 PM
my ci4 3000, been though saltwater, freshwater even in the mud and worked perfectly fine, took it out almost every weekend for the last 3years, caught countless fishes then finally lost it at barra bash, fishing gear will last long, as long as you keep it upto speed otherwise 10yrs warranty applies anyway

my wife is a pro at bc, she pissy cuz bc cant seem to use gliss fishing liine effective compare to spin, put gliss on spin and watch the distance, put it on bc and u get half distance, but yes the drag on spin is unbeatable :)

26-10-2016, 06:07 AM
If you're looking for distance, sure, a spin outfit will definitely win the prize, but generally you are looking for accuracy in lure placement with a baitcaster. I rarely need to cast any further than 15 to 20 metres when in the tinny or the kayak and most of the time it is less than that.

The right rod, right reel, right line with the right lure and heaps of practice makes a baitcaster a formidable bit of gear. The same can be said for a well setup spin outfit. Magilla1 hit the nail on the head: "use both and enjoy each for their intended purpose".