View Full Version : RedMap - help record & track potential changes in the distribution of marine species

10-01-2013, 10:00 AM
Hi everyone,

Thought you might be interested in a website I came across through work.


Their blurb:
Redmap, a new and interactive website, invites the Australian community to spot, log and map marine species that are uncommon in Australia, or along particular parts of our coast.

Redmap has provided a list of species indicated by scientific or anecdotal information to be extending or shifting their range. You can view this information on the marine species page. Each species is listed with some key identification information. By clicking on the 'more information' link, you will go to more detailed information on each species.

Actually - we also list a few species that we class as 'species of interest' or 'invasives'- so they may not necessarily be shifting - but there is so little information on them, that we have included them to try and track actual ranges. Keep an eye out for these guys!