View Full Version : Commercial Fishery Management

20-05-2011, 11:17 AM
Brother is doing an assignment on management at the moment, wondering if anyone can help out.

He is chasing a current commercial fishery that is actually sustainable from the introduction of management practices? Natural fishery, not farmed.

I thought possibly the Snapper fishery in SA, but i am not sure how much of a commercial fishery that is?

Thanks all in advance for your help :)


Salad Fingers
20-05-2011, 11:24 AM
The wild barra fishery up here in the N.T is pretty sustainable now, alot of licenses have been bought back to make this a reality though (from 100 down to 10 or so I think).

edit: should have mentioned that there are still alot of unresolved issues with the fishery - such as bycatch with sawsharks and other fish. but barra appear to be managed quite well.

20-05-2011, 11:24 AM
Anthony, Snapper in SA is a massive commercial industry, PM Big Ash, he might have some inside word on it.

Cheers Lee

20-05-2011, 12:13 PM
Anthony, send an email to the top dog in Queensland Fisheries:-


I am sure he would be willing to assist.



20-05-2011, 01:32 PM
Anthony, send an email to the top dog in Queensland Fisheries:-


I am sure he would be willing to assist.



Probably be able to supply some great info on the QLD Snapper Fishery ;)

crab man
20-05-2011, 05:16 PM
Have a look at the IFQ 's in qld spanner crabbing