View Full Version : Selling a boat- pesky paper work!

02-11-2010, 04:37 PM
Just thought I'd let you all know about paper work when you sell or buy a boat.

You will need 2 seperate forms.

I just sold my boat and bought another one.

You will have to have a form for the boat and a seperate form for the trailer.

If your trailer is under 750kg (atm)you won't need a safety certificate. But you will have to fill out the transfer form.

If your trailer is over 750kg (atm)you will need to have a safety certificate. The boat I just bought has a trailer that is a 2005 model 1000kg (atm).

I rang the Queensland Transport and they have advised me that I need a safety certificate. This should be done by the seller. We weren't sure about the process (myself or the seller) so we thought we would wing it. Moral of the story don't wing it!!!

I rang a local inspector and he said it takes about 20 mins and $35.

This can be a pain but rules are rules I suppose.

The reason I have posted this thread is to just let you know that if you are buying a boat and trailer that needs a safety certificate beware as alot of the boats I looked at the trailers won't of passed a safety inspection and could cost you a lot of money if you buy it and the owner hasn't done the safety certificate.

I have mine booked in for friday morning and I'm not to worried as it is like new thank my lucky stars.

I wonder if the transport officer's are going to be checking trailers at the boat ramps in the near future. Another place where they can squeeze a dollar out of us. I guess it all comes down to safety in the end. I often think how some trailers make it home.

Cheers and happy boating;D

02-11-2010, 07:03 PM
Good advice.

The other thing to be aware of is that if you advertise a boat trailer for sale (a trailer that requires a safety certificate that is) you must display the safety cert on the boat when it is offered for sale.

You are breaking the law if you advertise it without first having the safety cert and having it displayed on the vehicle! Fines apply, they do hit people especially if you have the boat/trailer with a for sale sign on it outside your house!

Another trap for us all to fall into - ignorance of the law unfortunately is no excuse!
