View Full Version : Canoe for the family

06-08-2010, 07:03 PM
Heading tomorrow to look at a S/H fibreglass canoe, 3 seater (removable) 14 footer.

Don't know anything about them, have had a couple of kayaks in the past, anything I should look for apart from condition that makes the typical S/h canoe more suitable for 2 adults and 2 kids.

Its planed to do nothing more seriouse than be a family muck around canoe.


06-08-2010, 09:31 PM

I don't know a real lot about them - but if possible have a sit in it in the water - They can vary a lot in terms of stability - which will be important with the family on board

We had two 14 foot canoes at the parent's place up at tinaroo - one was faster than the other (i.e easier to paddle) but a lot less stable - i liked the slower one for the fact that it was a lot more forgiving - especially when you've got someone on board who doesn't have the best balance........

If you had to compare 2 side by side - you'd be able to tell which one would be more stable than the other no problem from hull shape - but just looking at one - i'm not sure how you'd guage how stable it is without testing it - though the hull shapes at the extreme ends of the spectrum should be obvious.



07-08-2010, 07:11 AM
Thanks Moffy yeah a forgiving one is what I need i guess wide and flat bottomed, this one is at Tinaroo also, will see.

07-08-2010, 11:24 AM
Well bought us a canoe, it quite square below the waterline, dead flat floor with inverted strakes, has an outboard bracket :) proper plastic chair seats, heavy built, floatation, looks rough, no gelcoat just paint but no matter ...think i got a little lucky for the first one looked at.

I saw what you mean Moffy he also had a 16 footer that was rounded, it did look fast and a bit unstable in comparison.

Have already promised to re-paint it pink::):-[

15-08-2010, 05:37 PM
Hope you and the family have fun in it.
It is also great exercise