View Full Version : Moreton Draft Plan V's Actual marks

06-12-2007, 12:34 PM
I hope this hasn't been covered before, please excuse me if it has.

I am not here to argue the draft closures etc. only to highlight was appears to me to be inaccuracie.

After downloading and printing the draft plan from the EPA http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/media/parks_and_forests/marine_parks/mbmp/draft_zoning_plan_1.pdf and also pages 103-109 http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/register/p02257aj.pdf of the accompanying doc. (contains GPD coordinates) I decided to mark out the area near Amity on my QLD Maritime Safety Manly to Mooloolaba map.

If you look at the printed map the area around Amity (green zone) appears much smaller than what is coverd by the GPS marks when transferred onto a Maritime map. This is especially noticable when you run a line directly south from the SW tip of Moreton down past Amity. I have not checked any other areas so cannot comment on them.

Please have a look for yourselves and correct me if I am wrong. If I am correct I believe that the draft plan should reflect the actual boudaries more accurately as this is what a lot of people will refer to.

06-12-2007, 12:47 PM
Jerry, you will find the Datumn on the Draft Plan is different to what we all use.


06-12-2007, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the clarification, I was a bit worried !!

06-12-2007, 01:16 PM
There seems to be some generalizations that could confuse too,
e.g. along 2m contour, along line of mangroves, 50m from HW mark, 500m from HW mark and MBMP boundaries on shorelines.

06-12-2007, 01:25 PM
I totally agree gelsec, it would be nice to have a fourth coordinate as well

Scott nthQld
06-12-2007, 03:18 PM
the maps they will release when the green zones will come into effect are not to scale, hence why they seem to make no go zones look smaller. I can see why they do this for one good reason: Joe Public doesn't know how to use a maritime charts, so its yet another ploy to get every one else onside. By making the area look smaller, they make us out to be the greedy ones who don't 'care' for the fishery. They did it on the GBR, and now they doing it on MB, because they can get away with it. Another reason is that even an experienced fisho or those new to the game, that doesn't know how to use a maritime chart and/or GPS will also look at it any go, "Well, thats not so bad, they're only taking a little bit away from us".

It is all abut publicity and misleading and lying to the public (as if we didn't know that already). What needs to happen is scale maps need to be made to show the true area of the zoning, and those who want the 'marine park' stopped, need to show them together, so the public can see for themselves, the blatant disregard for people's intelligence.

Yet another reason is because out of all this publicity advertising and 'consultation' the EPA will be out of pocket a fair bit, this is where the correct GPS coordinates come in. They will sell rights to the data to Garmin (for example only) so they can manufacture GPS cards for people's GPS plotters people use. And because the 'free maps' aren't to scale, people with a GPS will have to purchase this memory card so they know the true borders of the zoning, failing that, a maritime chart that has them marked.

So you see, its all a ploy for money, publicity and scaremongering, and they won't stop until its illegal to fart, let alone breathe.

07-12-2007, 07:17 AM
i live in a little northern bayside township with more than it's fair share of old retired roosters that head out fishing in their boats. now a lot of these old blokes don't even have a sounder let alone a gps, how the hell do these poor blokes stand a chance considering one of the "proposed" green zones is now right out the front where a lot of them wet a line?

07-12-2007, 08:57 AM
I totally agree. I was out with an old mate off Amity in November and there was no GPS in site, this bloke has been doing this since the early 70's and knew the place extremely well. I would hate to see these type of fisherman be nailed becasue they don't have a GPS.

The main concern is the inaccuracies when comparing marks to green areas on a plan. I see this as being a bit of a personal insult, no different to some of the rubbish adverts we see on the TV. They actually expect us not to notice that what they are trying to sell us is rubbish, just like the draft plan coloured zones being depicted.

Can anybody confirm the marks in WSG84 format?

Scott nthQld
07-12-2007, 08:25 PM
Like I sadi the maps they issue for public 'consideration' are faulty. They are not to scale and are used to make us look like greedy bastards. If examined clsely, a trained eye will se that some areas (those not affected by zoning) are digitally enlarged, and those that are zoned get the opposite treatment. All to fool the public so they think there is less area being zoned than those that do really know are saying.