View Full Version : Sadistic little bugger!

06-05-2007, 08:24 PM
First time trying to add a video but here goes

The big fella in this video said that things can't get any worse! That was at about 9.45am. Well at 12.45p.m he caught a red harry. Yes things can get worse particularly if the grandson has his mobile phone handy............


10-05-2007, 12:17 PM
so what got the big fella?

love to laugh at someone elses pain :)

Cheers Murf

12-05-2007, 07:38 PM
G"day Murf,

Culprit was a red harry (red rock cod) about 4 inches long. The bit of video doesnt do it justice. The big fella weighs nearly 100kg and was down for the count for a good whlie. I'm not sure what was funnier. Watching him do the red harry dance or listening to the young fella wet his pants!