View Full Version : I don't know

scuze a me
13-04-2007, 09:01 AM
quite how to start this but I guess just jump right in will do ..
I'm also new to this site having just found it a few days ago. The best site for information I have come across! Live at Deception Bay and wander around the area from Dohles Rocks to hopefully Bribie soon!
Fishing has been a big part of my life since childhood, had the priviledge of fishing all over Queensland from Low Isles to Nudgee (deep sea to creeks).
I found myself shore bound for a few years so I took the plunge, buying a secondhand 3.1 Stacer so I could take a friend and do a little fishing in company with my son who had a larger boat. This was fine till my son moved towns and left me sort of high and dry.. Then! I decided (after about 9 mnths) not to be a wuss and get myself back into it ...... I bought a 3.7m Stacer proline for more stability and room for three.. Only one problem left to overcome!
I found I have terrible trouble backing a trailer on some boat ramps (EX Dohles rocks) I go to the pack if there are other boats launching or retrieving..
I can just hear you all thinking (idiot) well Here is the punchline I'm 64 and female...... so if you come across a little old lady trying to get a boat into the water.. IT"S ME!!!!

13-04-2007, 10:50 AM
Welcome Scuze A Me Don't Be Worried About Backing Your Boat Down The Ramp We All Had To Learn Once. A 3.7m Proline Is A Nice Boat To Fish From.

13-04-2007, 02:05 PM
Not being able to back a trailer isnt a big prob i found the best way to learn is to practice i used to go to new residential estates where there is no traffic and just keep practicing i used to also go to the ramp when no one would be around and practice backing down the ramp over and over again. Just don't let it put you off.
Welcome to the site you will be sure to find heaps of info.

scuze a me
13-04-2007, 02:35 PM
Ah yes Russ I have done all that.. I can bring the boat home back it in the yard no problems.. go near a boat ramp and boats come from near and far so I lose the plot because I am aware people have no patience it seems.. Anyway I shall soldier on .. lol it's a bit of a bummer so simple .... Mind you I have encountered some very nice people I must say...

13-04-2007, 03:46 PM
G'day scuze a me, welcome to the forum.

Backing any trailer is relatively easy if you follow these basic principals:

- Ensure the trailer is lined up with your vehicle & the boat ramp before starting to reverse; by travelling forward in a straight line at the top of the ramp.

- Reverse very slowly & concentrate on the back corner of the boat. As soon as you see the back corner start to move either left or right, turn your steering wheel about half a revolution in the same direction. ie the back corner of the boat moves to the left, then bring your steering wheel down to the left. When using your mirrors, all you have to do is, when you see the back corner of the boat move into vision you turn your steering wheel towards that particular mirror until such time the trailer is once more tracking straight, then centre your steering wheel. You will need to keep a good eye on both mirrors so take it slow.

- Take your time & try to ignore any of the ramp ratbags.::)

I hope the above will help.

Cheers - Lou

scuze a me
13-04-2007, 05:26 PM
Thanks Lou for your input... I will take it onboard about the mirrors... have not tried that one yet.. If this wind ever stops blowing I'll be taking the boat for a run I am also a very keen photographer so if no fish I can tinker with that..

14-04-2007, 01:55 AM
Welcome to the site and I know what you mean about impatient people at the ramps. May see you out there some day!


14-04-2007, 08:40 PM
Welcome to the board, all ill say is i watched out of interest today some fishos backing their trailer at Wellington Point and dont worry some of them made a meal of it, im sure i will too when i get my tinnie, one poor bloke really struggled, as Luigi said the guys who took it slowly seemed to do it right first time... strange that;D


14-04-2007, 10:17 PM
Ah yes Russ I have done all that.. I can bring the boat home back it in the yard no problems.. go near a boat ramp and I lose the plot

Make a mockup of your letterbox at home and place it at the bottom of the ramp prior to launch ;D.

Some trailers are easier than others to reverse , depending on the geometry of axle placement , i.e. you see some trailers for small craft where the axle is right at the back of the trailer , these are easy to reverse and the further forward the axle , the more sensitive they are to steering wheel movement in the car and tend to dive off more readily , left or right.

At the same time , trailers with rear mount axles tend to submerge the wheels more to get enough water to launch / retrieve so there can be more wheel bearing maintenance involved.

The other thing with boat trailers , quite often they are relatively easy with the boat on for launch because you have good sight of the boat , but when backing down an empty trailer to retrieve the boat , they can be difficult to see , so by the time it comes into sight , it's already so skewed that a move forward is needed to correct.

Some trailers have two poles at the rear , often with the trailer lights permanently mounted , these can make an empty trailer easier to reverse as the poles give a more visible reference to the driver. They can also make getting the boat on a bit easier , especially in a strong cross tide as the boat can lean on them a bit during winching.

As said above , take it slow , it's not a race , if other people get impatient , it's their blood pressure they have to worry about. ;)

15-04-2007, 07:35 AM
Hi Scuze a me and welcome to the site.
I think we could start a new thread just on reversing the trailer down the ramp I am sure you would find some good story's out there.

My husband and I went fishing one day and I got him to drop me of at the ramp where I was going to take the car and trailer into Gladstone and pick him up. Just as I was about to go and get the car my dear husband reminded me that I could not reverse the trailer (minor detail) so under protest he loaded the boat and we went home. Spent the next day reversing in and out of the shed till I had it right.

scuze a me
15-04-2007, 09:54 AM
Thanks for all the replies.. I have backed a trailer successfully when I had the luxury of wide boat ramps such as most ramps in Bundaberg. Here in Brisbane the ramps seem to be extremely narrow and looooooooong.. Not to worry I think I am going to be fine with all this great advice!! I'll keep you posted. Should be getting out one day next week!
Sandyd I think you have a great idea .. a thread on backing a trailer....... Just read this (lol)

Mrs Ronnie H
20-04-2007, 06:19 PM
Hi Scuze a me,
Don't worry about those impatient blockheads at the ramp. Let them wait. They'd rather stand and watch than offer a hand if needed so just take your time and after a few goes you'll have it down pat. I do it all myself to so know exactly where you're coming from.Its the stares that get me from the onlookers. Have you noticed????? These days hubby helps me get the girl on and off the trailer but i do all the driving of the boat and of course lets not forget the cleaning.

Nice to meet another Ausfisherwoman and there are quite a few on this site.
I live at Beachmere just across the bay. Heading out tomorrow with hubby to Moreton for the night. Maybe we might catch up on the bay sometime.

Good fishing


scuze a me
22-04-2007, 09:31 AM
G'day Ronnie H Thanks for the encouragement... Luigi gave me the tip for backing the trailer it's soo simple I have no trouble at all now so Thankyou to him!!! We were up Beachmere way yesterday ... sadly no fish to speak of apart from a nice flathead we released and a few whiting was all we caught..