View Full Version : Hey Y'all

11-03-2007, 09:17 PM
G'day everyone
Names Mick Day (Daisy) and just putting out a few feelers regarding NT fishing. I'm headin' up there in April and starting out at the Mary river and basically follow the fish reports around. Any help in the weeks preceding the trip would be much appreciated. not necessarily specific spots just a point in the right direction. I live and fish the inshore scene in Karratha and would be more than happy to do the same for whoevers interested

21-03-2007, 08:29 PM
Daisy , looks like your chatting away . Good to see a nearly kimberley boy on here.

21-03-2007, 08:32 PM
Daisy you driving up ???
If you are sounds about perfect end april/may for fitzroy bigguns run ??