View Full Version : Carp fishing in south western Queensland

09-04-2002, 09:27 AM

I need to speak (?) e-mail converse with person/people fishing for carp using both course and fly in areas west of Brisbane. I will explain more in due course but you need to be very good at catching carp.

I work as a barra fishing guide in North Quensland and have the best job in the world.

Please e-mail me on kc@whitsunay.net.au

09-04-2002, 09:29 AM
sorry I stuffed up the e-mail adress. It is kc@whitsunday.net.au

09-04-2002, 03:32 PM
I know you are looking for information re carp fishing in south western queensland, and i am unable to help.
I am also looking for information re carp, as i wish to run a carp busting competiton and would appreciate anyone with any information from previous comps they have been to or run. I am from Bourke western NSW.

my email address is muttley@lisp.com.au


09-04-2002, 04:23 PM
hey muttley
where r u thinking of doing this carp busting?
Never fished for carp but heard that it is good fun
cheers jack