View Full Version : Fishing at Khancoban

17-11-2002, 10:33 AM
Can anyone tell me what the fishing is like at Khancoban at the moment and I would be interested to know the best method of fishing. I don't know how deep the pondage is and whether trolling is the go, or if bait fishing under a bubble etc is the best way??

26-11-2002, 02:31 PM
Asked the same Q myself earlier this year. Might pay you to scroll back to around June. I took the advice and had a great weekend. Try a small 'brown trout' Rapala trawled at walking pace along the power station bank. A green tassie also worked for me. I know some blokes caught a few on mudeye in and around the trees. Reports in the local paper indicate that the pond is getting flogging at the moment. Good Luck!