View Full Version : BIG Bony Bream

27-10-2005, 08:03 PM

I live in the Whitsundays QLD and the closest freshwater imoundment near me is Peter Faust Dam.
I often visit the Dam, fishing in and around the widespread timber that lies to the North-East. Sometimes, I walk around the banks of the area, casting into the shallows. I often see large bony bream feeding amongst the weed etc.

Question : Because of the large size of some of these bony bream, would it be a good idea to upsize the lures to match the bony bream profile?

Some of these species I have seen are quite large and they most commonly have 'injured' markings from the large resident barramundi.


Cy Taylor
Whitsundays QLD

27-10-2005, 09:21 PM
your picture answers your question! Big mouth, big appetite, end of conversation!

27-10-2005, 10:16 PM
Would 'upsizing' the regular diving lures used for Impoundment Barramundi to a longer, wider body shape match the large bony bream profile and improve a hook up rate?

The regular diving lures used for the Barramundi Impoundments such as the Killalure Barra baits and the Storm 'Built for Barra' range are considerably smaller in length and size compared to the large Bony Bream. We usally see Bony Bream averaging about 35cm - 45cm.

Although most Snub-nosed gar 'match' this regular diving lure length, would using longer, wider diving lures better match the Bony Bream profile?

Cy Taylor
Whitsundays QLD