View Full Version : Awoonga Metre+ safe

01-11-2006, 07:54 PM
On the previous thread about dumping metre plus barra from awoonga. :( :(
Here's a short story on a small mob of fiho's from Barraba North West NSW for those ignorant Q/Landers? ;D ;D ;D
About two or three fellas and there young blokes shot through from Barraba up to Awoonga early Oct for a go at the legendary Awoonga Barra.
Over the Five day stay they caught AND RELEASED seventeen Barra with four over the metre mark. The fish of the trip being 1.170 metres caught by one of the young boys, eight years old. I bet he was as happy as a pig in sh!t :D ;D :D ;D
One day I hope to get up there and catch the same fish they did and then release them so that they can be caught again by another lucky fisherman. :: ;)
Hope the pic turned out. and sorry if any adverts are included I tried to delete them but not a scanner wizard. :o :o
Rob 8-)

01-11-2006, 08:09 PM
Pic two I think
Rob 8-)

02-11-2006, 12:52 PM
Great to see!! Bet the little guy will not forget that in a hurry!! :)
We had our first barra trip about a month ago. Awsome fun!! They had better luck than us, we only landed 1 fish. :-[
Cheers Kim. :)